

单词 fruitage
释义 fruitage|ˈfruːtɪdʒ|
Also 6–8 frutage, (7 -idge).
[a. OF. fruitage, f. fruit fruit.]
1. The process, season, or state of bearing fruit.
1578Banister Hist. Man viii. 102 Plantes: which onely florish in growyng, and frutage.1610W. Folkingham Art of Survey i. iii. 6 In Grouth, the thriuage, verdure, fruitage..&c., of particular Vegetables are regardable.1816Coleridge Biog. Lit., Lay Serm. 317 A tree transplanted from Paradise, with all its branches in full fruitage.1871Lytton Coming Race xvii, Fruit-bearing plants after fruitage either shed or change the colour of their leaves.
fig.1892Ch. Q. Rev. Jan. 444 Many have commented on the late fruitage of Swift's genius.
2. Fruit collectively; a crop of fruit.
1610W. Folkingham Art of Survey i. vi. 13 What Trees, Plants, Shrubs: what Frutage, Mastage, Gummage.1613Chapman Masque of Inns of Court Plays 1873 III. 117 Freely earth her fruitage bearing.1667Milton P.L. x. 561 Greedily they pluck'd The Frutage fair to sight.1708J. Philips Cyder i. 3 Whoeer expects his lab'ring trees should bend With frutage.1808J. Barlow Columb. ii. 215 The wide domain, with game and fruitage crown'd, Supplied their food.1883E. C. Rollins New Eng. Bygones 180 Much of the plumpest fruitage found its way into the hoards of thieving boys.
fig.1652Benlowes Theoph. iv. l. 58 When me Thou shalt impregn'd with Vertues make A fruitful Eden, all the frutage take.1749Smollett Regicide iv. iii, I come..To claim the promis'd fruitage of my love.1883S. C. Hall Retrospect II. 39 His genius was yet in the bud—with the promise of glorious fruitage.
b. pl. Various sorts of fruit. Obs.
a1693Urquhart Rabelais iii. xiii. 110 Men do more copiously in the Season of Harvest feed on Fruitages then at any other time.
c. transf. Offspring. rare—1.
1850Blackie æschylus I. 195 Yet should she By her own body's fruitage have been slain?
3. A decorative arrangement of fruits; a representation of this in embroidery, painting, carving, etc. Obs.
1600Q. Eliz. Wardr. in Nichols Progr. (1823) III. 509 One peticoate..with a verie faire border of pomegranetts, pyne aple trees, frutidge.1604Dekker King's Entertainm. Wks. 1873 I. 309 Pomona—attirde in greene, a wreath of frutages circling her temples.1645Evelyn Diary 29 Jan., The vines, climbing to the summit of the trees, reach in festoons and fruitages from one tree to another.1688R. Holme Armoury ii. 115/2 Fruitage is the hanging of several sorts of Fruit together in husks with strings.c1710C. Fiennes Diary (1888) 238 The most exactest workmanship in y⊇ wood carving..both in figures, fruitages, beasts, birds, flowers.1719London & Wise Compl. Gard. 37 A glorious Embroidery of Festoons, and Frutages, depending from the yielding Boughs.
Hence ˈfruitaged ppl. a., abounding in fruitage.
1846C. G. Prowett æschylus' Prometh. Bound 22 Flowery spring Or fruitaged summer.




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