

单词 trifling
释义 I. trifling, vbl. n.|ˈtraɪflɪŋ|
[f. trifle v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of the verb trifle; jesting or frivolous talk; fooling; idle, foolish, or frivolous conduct or practice; frivolous delay or waste of time; also concr. (pl.) trumpery (quot. c 1540).
1382Wyclif Wisd. iv. 12 Forsothe priue desceyuyng of trifling [L. fascinatio nugacitatis] derkneth goode thingus.a1400Morte Arth. 114 With-owttyne more trouflynge the trebute we aske.c1460[see trifle v.1 3].1530Palsgr. 283/1 Tryflynges, scoffynges, fredaines.c1540Heywood Four P.P. A iv b, Euery pedler In euery trifull must be a medler Specially in womens triflynges, Those vse we chieflye aboue all thynges.1586J. Hooker Hist. Irel. in Holinshed II. 163/1 He returned his answer by a letter..vsing therein nothing but triflings and delaies.a1694Tillotson Serm. (1742) III. 345 What a frivolous contention, what a trifling in serious matters.1768Chesterfield Let. to Godson 15 Sept., Wit if you have any, and..agreable trifling or badinage.1840Kingsley Lett. (1878) I. 50 You are not bigoted by the solemn trifling of the schools.1873M. Arnold Lit. & Dogma (1876) p. xi, All other religious discussion is idle trifling.1885Manch. Exam. 4 May 5/2 Speeches..marked by a good deal of brilliant trifling.
II. ˈtrifling, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
1. Cheating, befooling, false, feigning. Obs.
a1400Morte Arth. 1683 Ȝe do bott trayne vs to daye wyth trofelande wordez!1547Bk. Marchantes e vj, Was there no suche folysh fayned triflyng deceite in England.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. IV 17 The kyng gaue many friuolus and trifelyng aunswers.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 37 b, So trifelynge & wicked a doctrine should haue bene dispised of all men.
2. Behaving idly or frivolously; not serious; frivolous; foolish.
1535Coverdale 1 Tim. v. 13 Not onely are they ydell but also tryflinge & busybodies speakynge thinges which are not comly.1659Gentl. Calling (1696) 92 Shall more and baser be sought out, every the triflingest and vilest Entertainment?1703Rowe Ulyss. iv. i, Oh trifling, idle Talker.1709Steele Tatler No. 109 ⁋ 4 The trifling Way the Women have in spending their Time, and gratifying only their Eyes and Ears.1885Athenæum 23 May 661/1 The perverse intrusion of trifling thoughts at agonizing moments.
3. Of little moment or value; paltry, trumpery; insignificant, petty.
1538Starkey England i. iii. 94 Delycate wynys, fyne clothys,..and a thousand such tryfelyng thyngys.1645Evelyn Diary 25 Jan., The worke of 10 years study for a trifling reward.1659Gentl. Calling (1660) 139 [One] that for every the triflingest injury expects..to be avenged seventy and seven fold.1722De Foe Plague (1754) 8 Those were trifling Things to what followed immediately after.1814Rep. Comm. Publ. Rec. Irel. (1815) 75 To receive some trifling sum by way of Fee.1869Freeman Norm. Conq. III. xi. 66 The danger..was comparatively trifling.




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