

单词 gainyield
释义 gainyield, n. Obs. Sc.
Forms: 6 gayn-, genȝeild, ganȝeld, ganȝell, genȝell.
[f. gain- prefix 2 + yield n. (ON. had gagngiald as a law term). The normal stress was on the first syllable (whence the forms gan-, genyell), but in verse the stress varies.]
Recompense, return, reward.
1513Douglas æneis ii. ix. 54 The goddis mocht condingly the forȝeld, Eftir thi desert rendring sic ganȝeld.Ibid. vii. viii. 43 Set the to ganestand Thir perellis, but all thankis or gaynȝeild.1568Balnevis in Bannatyne MS. (Hunter. Club) 392 Out of thair schynnis the substance rynnis, Thay gett no genyell ellis.1570Satir. Poems Reform. xx. 62 At thame rycht fane or els be slane: That ganȝell will thay ȝeild.




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