

单词 trout
释义 I. trout, n.1|traʊt|
Forms: 1–2 truht, 3 troit, 4 trouȝt(e, trouhte, troȝte, 4–5 trote, 4–6 trute, trowte, 4–7 troute, 5 trowȝt(e, trowyt, troughte, trouth(e, troyte, (tryotht), 6–7 trowt, trought, (7 trowet, troot), 6– trout.
[OE. truht, ad. late L. tructus, tructa, truta, trutta, etc. = Gr. τρώκτης gnawer, also the name of a sea-fish, f. τρώγειν to gnaw; the forms troit, troute, etc. correspond to OF. troite, troute, etc., F. truite (13th c.).]
1. a. A well-known freshwater fish of the genus Salmo, esp. S. fario, the common trout, inhabiting most rivers and lakes of the temperate or colder parts of the northern hemisphere; it is distinguished by numerous spots of red and black on its sides and head, and is greatly valued as a sporting fish and on account of its edible quality. See also 3.
whole or sound as a trout: cf. sound as a roach (roach n.1 1 b). Obs.
c1050Suppl. ælfric's Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 180/37 Tructa, truht.a1100Ags. Voc. ibid. 319/15 Tructa, truht.1290in Archæologia XV. 354 Pro uno paner. gurnardi..pro iiij troites.a1300Cursor M. 11884 (Cott.) Bi þat þou þar-of cum vte Þou sal be hale sum ani trute [v.r. troute].1375Barbour Bruce ii. 577 Gynnys, to tak geddis & salmonys, Trowtis, elys and als menovnys.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) I. 423 Perche and trouȝtis.c1420Liber Cocorum (1862) 50 Trowȝtes..Wele soþun and hakked.a1450Fysshynge wyth an angle (1883) 22 For þe Trowte. The trowyt ys a deyntet fyche and a fre bytyng.c1518Skelton Magnyf. 1624, I am forthwith as hole as a troute.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. cxiii. 325 Pastyes of samonde, troutes, and elys, wraped in towels.1589[? Lyly] Pappe w. Hatchet 3, I..will giue them line enough like a trowte.a1616Beaum. & Fl. Scornf. Lady iii. ii, Leave off your tickling of young heirs like Trouts.1635Swan Spec. M. (1670) 347 When we speak of one who is sound indeed, we say that he is sound as a Trout.a1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. vii. 200 River-Fish, as Trouts..will alter their figure, some for the better and some for the worse, being put into Ponds.1727–46Thomson Summer 253 They sportive wheel, or sailing down the stream Are snatched immediate by the quick-eyed trout.1735Somerville Chase iv. 371 The crimson-spotted Trout, the River's Pride, And Beauty of the Stream.1790Scott Let. to W. Clerk 3 Sept. in Lockhart, Two miles from an excellent water for trouts.1839Douglas in Proc. Berw. Nat. Club I. 185 The trouts were scarcely covered in the small pools.1860Gosse Rom. Nat. Hist. 6 The streams..where the trout displays his speckled side as he leaps from pool to pool.1885Good Words 255/2 He may guddle trouts in a stream.
b. collective sing. (in sporting use taking the place of the pl.).
1602Carew Cornwall ii. 105 b, The pond will moreouer keepe Shote, Seale, Trought, and Sammon, in seasonable plight, but not in their wonted reddish graine.1609in Craven Gloss. (1828), 33 pearch and troot from Mawater for my Ld. Judge.1789Mrs. Piozzi Journ. France I. 41 The trout..there have been over praised.1849James Woodman ii, She was exceedingly fond of trout.1875W. McIlwraith Guide Wigtownshire 24 Pike and trout are to be had in the lochs.
2. Used as a name of various fish (chiefly Salmonidæ) resembling the trout in appearance or habits. Now local.
1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies iii. xv. 164, I have not seene any Besugues there, nor trowts.1854Badham Halieut. 313 Of salars caught in the Ribble, those of the first year are called smolts; those of the second year, sprods; those of the third, trouts.1884Mather in Century Mag. Apr. 908/1 The name of ‘trout’ is also applied..to a salt-water fish called ‘squeteague’.1891G. H. Kingsley Sport & Trav. (1900) 456 Char, known to the natives [of Colorado] by the name of trout.1897Outing (U.S.) XXX. 217/2 In the South, he [the black bass] is commonly called ‘trout’.
3. With defining prefix, as the name of various species of the genus Salmo (or of the allied genus Salvelinus), and occasionally of other genera.
bastard trout (U.S.), a squeteague or weak-fish, Cynoscion nothus; brook trout, Salmo fario; in U.S., S. fontinalis, or S. irideus, the rainbow trout; brown trout, S. fario; Dolly Varden trout (U.S.), Salvelinus Malma; grey trout, Salmo trutta; in U.S. the squeteague; lake trout, S. ferox (the great lake trout); in U.S., (a) S. confinis (the North American lake trout), inhabiting the deepest waters of the great lakes; (b) = next; Mackinaw or Namaycush trout, S. Namaycush, of Lake Huron and Lake Superior; rainbow trout, S. irideus, a Californian species, now introduced in British trout-streams; red-bellied trout, the char, S. salvelinus; also S. or Fario erythrogaster, of the lakes of New York State and Pennsylvania; red-spotted trout, S. fontinalis or S. salvelinus; rock trout, Chirus constellatus (rock n.1 9 d); skegger trout = skegger; speckled trout, S. fontinalis; white trout, (a) a variety of S. fario; (b) the weak-fish (Cynoscion nothus); yellow trout, a name used in Scotland for the brown trout. See also bull-trout, salmon-trout, sea-trout.
1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 228 Both the Salmon and gray trouts are very pleasant, and good for sound persons, but in agues they are not comparable to the Perch.1668Charleton Onomast. 163 Trutta Lacustris, the Lake-Trout.1794Statist. Acct. Scotland XIII. xxiii. 345 Fish are not plenty in this river; a few salmon, sea trout, yellow trout, and flounders, are caught in it.1830Cabinet Nat. Hist. I. 147 In the outlet..from the lake, none of the lake trout were ever found.1836Yarrell Brit. Fishes II. 31 The Grey Trout.Ibid. 60 The Great Lake Trout of Loch Awe..was shortly noticed by Pennant..as a native of Ullswater Lake in Cumberland, and of Lough Neagh in Ireland.Ibid. 74 This species has been called a Red-bellied Trout.1839T. T. Stoddart Songs & Poems 51 Is the yellow trout at feed?1861Act 24 & 25 Vict. c. 109 §4 All migratory fish of the genus salmon,..that is to say, harvest cock, sea trout, white trout, sewin, buntling [etc.].1868Rep. U.S. Commissioner Agric. (1869) 322 It is..rank folly to allow so great a delicacy as the speckled brook trout (Salmo fontinalis) to become extinct.Ibid. 330 The commission has..bred salmon, trout, lake trout (Salmo toma), and land-locked salmon (S. Gloveri).1881Cassell's Nat. Hist. V. 115 The Grey Trout (Salmo Cambricus).1883Fisheries Exhib. Catal. 204 Brook Trout, Lake Trout,..Rainbow Trout, Rangeley Trout.1884Goode, etc. Nat. Hist. Aquatic Anim. 468 According to the latest system..the second group [of the old genus Salmo] includes the Chars, or Red-spotted Trout, and the gray-spotted species known as Salmon Trout, or Lake Trout. These are assigned to the genus Salvelinus.Ibid. 504 The Dolly Varden Trout—Salvelinus Malma,..known in the mountains as ‘Lake Trout’, ‘Bull Trout’, ‘Speckled Trout’, and ‘Red-Spotted Trout’.1884St. James's Gaz. 23 Feb. 5/2 Like mice in a house, the little brook-trout are often almost under your feet.1884Sat. Rev. 12 July 61/1 Mr. Thomson caught one sixteen-pounder, which seized a yellow trout he was playing.1888Goode Amer. Fishes 120 The Silver Squeteague, Cynoscion nothum, called at Charleston the ‘Bastard Trout’. The ‘White Trout’..is caught with hook and line.
4. slang.
a. Originally in the alliterative phrase true trout or trusty trout, a confidential friend or servant; so humble trout. Obs.
c1661Roxb. Ball. (1883) IV. 518, I was a trusty trout In all that I went about.1682New News fr. Bedlam 30 They are all very honest Fellows, true Trouts.1688Shadwell Sqr. Alsatia i. i, Your humble Trout, good noble squire.
b. old trout: a derogatory term for an old woman. Cf. trot n.2
1897‘S. Grand’ Beth Book (1898) xxxix. 364 They said..they were blessed if they'd go near the old trout again.1914D. Beatty Let. 16 Feb. in W. S. Chalmers Life & Lett. David, Earl Beatty (1951) vi. 127 There were some funny old trouts and some spritely young ones, but no raving beauties.1932S. Gibbons Cold Comfort Farm xvi. 224 ‘Serve her right, the old trout,’ muttered Flora.1956‘A. Gilbert’ And Death came Too ii. 33 She and her husband always went south to stay with her mother-in-law, an old trout called Lady Dingle.1972V. Canning Rainbird Pattern iii. 50 She wasn't such a bad old trout. For all her money and position, life hadn't been all good to her.
5. a. attrib. and Comb., as trout-angler, trout-angling, trout-brook, trout farm, trout-hole, trout-hook, trout-line, trout-net, trout ova, trout-pond, trout-preserve, trout-rod, trout-spawn, trout-spear, trout-stream, trout-worm; objective and obj. gen., as trout-breeder, trout-catcher, trout-fisher, trout-fishing, trout-pirate, trout-rearing, trout-tickler; also trout-coloured, trout-famous, trout-haunted adjs.; trout-like adj.
1538Elyot, Fuscina..a troute speare, an yele speare.1555[see eel-spear].1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. vi. 653 Kennet, whose Trout-famous Drift..by Hungerford doth hasten.1653R. Sanders Physiogn. 35 A greenish eye, a trout-nose, a great mouth.1653Walton Angler v. 126, I shall tel you a little more of Trout fishing before I speak of the Salmon.Ibid. 128 In Hamp-shire..they use to catch Trouts in the night by the light of a Torch or straw, which when they have discovered, they strike with a Trout spear.1668Wilkins Real Char. 140 [These] may be stiled the Trout-kind.1727Bailey vol. II, Trout-coloured (spoken of Horses) is White speckled with Spots of Black, Bay, or Sorrel, particularly about the Head and Neck.1751Fielding Amelia I. iii. xii. 271 It is placed among Meadows washed by a clear Trout Stream.1770S. Foote Lame Lover i. 15 Oh! clear as a trout-stream.1799A. Young Agric. Lincoln. 4 A narrow vale, through which runs a trout stream.1807W. Irving Salmag. xi. 2 July (1855) 115 Trout-fishing was my uncle's favourite sport.1839T. C. Hofland Brit. Angler's Man. ii. (1841) 11 He [the peacock red worm] is a good trout-worm.1839Spirit of Times 15 June 170/3 Surely a trout rod of fourteen ounces is not likely to fatigue (by the difference of weight in ash and willow) in the last hours of fishing.1840Ibid. 5 Sept. 319/1 Get a couple of dozen of trout hooks of assorted sizes.Ibid. 319/2 They know every trout hole or deer stand within twenty miles.1842W. P. Hawes Sporting Scenes I. 189 A scow, chiefest for a trout-pond.1845J. Coulter Adv. Pacific vii. 78 They can be caught with small trout hooks, carefully baited.1849Thoreau Week Concord Riv. 323 Trout-fishers from distant cities had arrived before us.1868Rep. U.S. Commissioner Agric. (1869) 327, I hatched about five hundred thousand trout last season, and sold about five hundred thousand impregnated trout spawn.Ibid. 328 A fountain capable of filling constantly a two-inch pipe will sustain a trout preserve which may prove a source of pleasure and profit.Ibid. 337 Experimental and initiatory practice in trout-rearing is becoming common upon Long Island.1883W. E. Norris No New Thing I. i. 9 His gun, and a trout-rod, and some other things.1884Jefferies Life of Fields 199 The swan is a well-known trout-pirate.1887J. J. Hissey Holiday on Road 7 By the side of a trout-haunted stream.1887in W. Whitman Daybks. & Notebks. (1978) II. 509 A trout pond formed the boundary.1894Field 9 June 833/3 Fine trout given our society by Mr. A., the trout breeder.1897Outing (U.S.) XXX. 324/2 In this place one can..trace..the trout-brook to its source.1904W. M. Gallichan Fishing Spain 185 The Portuguese peasant lads are expert trout-ticklers.1904Pilot Apr. 330/1 It is clear..that the really desirable requies senectæ will be afforded by a trout farm.1906Westm. Gaz. 28 Apr. 14/3 The appearance of the may⁓fly..is eagerly looked forward to every year by the trout-angler.1910H. T. Sheringham in Encycl. Brit. II. 28/2 (Angling) Grayling injure a trout stream by devouring trout-ova and trout-food.1936Discovery Feb. 43/1 It is common knowledge to most trout-fishers that the May Fly has steadily decreased over many parts of the country in recent years.
b. Special Combs.: trout-fly, (a) the may-fly; (b) an artificial fly for trout-fishing; trout-lily U.S., the yellow dog's-tooth violet, Erythronium americanum; cf. erythronium; trout-line, (a) a line used in trout fishing; (b) U.S. = trot-line (trot n.1 8); trout-louse, a fish-louse parasitic on the trout, also called sug; trout-perch, the black bass (local, U.S.); also a trout-like fish (Percopsis guttatus) of the rivers and Great Lakes of U.S., having the mouth and scales like those of a perch; trout-spoon, a small spoon-bait for trout-fishing (Cent. Dict. 1891); trout-stone Min. (G. forellenstein) = troctolite.
1744–50W. Ellis Mod. Husbandm. III. ii. xiii. 84 The Caddis or *Trout Fly,..certainly the best natural Baits of all others for taking Trouts.1787Best Angling (ed. 2) 109 They [salmon] will rise at anything gaudy, and where they are plenty, at Trout flies.1888Goode Amer. Fishes 466 The young fish rise freely to trout-flies in rapid water.1910H. T. Sheringham in Encycl. Brit. II. 28/2 Grayling will take most small trout-flies.
1909Cent. Dict. Suppl. 729/2 *Trout-lily, the yellow dog-tooth violet.1943R. Peattie Great Smokies 275 The spring beauties and trout lilies..herald the blooming season.1975M. C. Davis Near Woods ix. 148 Almost all the trout-lilies emerging had but single leaves.
1789J. Woodforde Diary 15 July (1927) III. 121 Busy..in making up some new *Trout lines and for Eels.1839Spirit of Times 13 July 217/1 We have..bought an assortment of trout-lines and flies.1912Dialect Notes III. 592 Trout-line, n., a trot-line. Trout-line has grown from the belief that there was something incorrect about trot-line. The line, of course, is not used in catching trout.1934Sun (Baltimore) 9 July 11/3 Crabs are reported to be so scarce that trout-line crabbers are able to catch only two barrels daily.
1653Walton Angler iii. 90 In winter..many of them have sticking on them Sugs, or *Trout lice, which is a kind of worm.
1883Century Mag. July 376/2 A description of a Carolina bass was sent to Lacépède under the local name of trout, or *trout-perch, who accordingly named it salmoides, meaning trout-like.1892*Trout-stone [see troctolite].
Hence ˈtrouted a. [cf. F. porcelaine truitée], see quot.; ˈtroutful a., full of or abounding in trout; ˈtroutless a., without trout, devoid of trout (whence ˈtroutlessness); ˈtrouty, a troutlet.
1783Justamond tr. Raynal's Hist. Indies III. 153 The *trouted china, which no doubt is called so from the resemblance it bears to the scales of a trout.
a1661Fuller Worthies, Hants. (1662) ii. 1 Clear and fresh rivulets of *troutful water.1891Atkinson Moorland Par. 197 Our troutful little stream of the Esk.
1865Kingsley in Life & Lett. (1879) II. 180, I catch a trout now and then..so I am not left *troutless.1904W. M. Gallichan Fishing Spain 15 He maintains that the Bidasoa will be troutless in two years.
1879Daily News 25 Nov. 5/2 Dynamite, disease, pollution of rivers, have destroyed their thousands since Thomas Stoddart wrote a sad song on the *troutlessness of Yarrow.
1848Fraser's Mag. XXXVIII. 73 My wilfulness that bright day..was rewarded with a few *trouties.
II. trout, n.2 dial. Obs.
Also 5 trowtt.
[Of uncertain origin.]
pl. (See quot. 1691.) So trout v. Obs., to curdle, coagulate.
1483Cath. Angl. 395/1 To Trowtt, coagulare. Trowttis, coagulum.1683G. Meriton Yorks. Dialogue 402 (E.D.S.) Ile give um some Trouts, reach me hither th' Bowl.1691Ray N.C. Words 77 Trouts, Curds taken off the Whey when it is boiled: a Rustick word. In some places they call them Trotters.
III. trout
obs. form of troat v., troth.




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