

单词 tumult
释义 I. tumult, n.|ˈtjuːmʌlt|
Also 5–6 -te.
[ad. L. tumultus (u-stem), f. tumēre to swell: cf. F. tumulte (12th c. in Godef. Compl.; in OF. also temulte, 1201 in Hatz.-Darm).]
1. Commotion of a multitude, usually with confused speech or uproar; public disturbance; disorderly or riotous proceeding.
1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy ii. 5235 Al tumulte stinted, and silence Was þoruȝ þe pres, to ȝif hym audyence.1562Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 209 Ane seditious persone and rasar of tumult.1615G. Sandys Trav. 8 To avoid occasions of tumult.a1718Prior Henry & Emma 332 When the loud Tumult speaks the Battel nigh.1838Lytton Leila ii. i, The tumult of the Camp was to him but a holiday exhibition.
b. (with pl.) An instance of this; a popular commotion or disturbance; a riot, an insurrection.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 22 b, It is like to styre vp such tumultes in Germany.1641Evelyn Diary 8 Oct., The late tumults in Belgia.1775Johnson Tax. no Tyr. 68 The tumults of a conflagration.1838Thirlwall Greece II. xii. 155 A tumult..in which the populace set fire to Milo's house.
c. transf. A disorderly crowd, a mob. rare.
1628Gaule Pract. The. (1629) 189 The Tumult shall know [that, etc.].1648Eikon Bas. vi. 38 To see the barbarous rudenesse of those Tumults who resolved they would take the boldnesse to demand any thing.
2. gen. Commotion, agitation, disturbance; disorderly or noisy movement or action. Also pl.
1580Sidney Ps. xxxv. viii, Oh! on my soul let not these tumults hitt.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, i. iv. 98 It Thunders and Lightens... What tumult's in the Heauens?1662Charleton Myst. Vintners (1675) 178 The tumult will..be recomposed, the liquor refined.1781Cowper Retirement 176 Some..are averse to noise And hate the tumult half the world enjoys.1844Disraeli Coningsby i. iii, His heart beat with tumult.1846Trench Mirac. vi. (1862) 190 The fiercest tumult of the elements allays itself at last.
3. fig. Great disturbance or agitation of mind or feeling; confused and violent emotion.
[1595Shakes. John iv. ii. 247 Hostilitie, and ciuill tumult reignes Betweene my conscience and my Cosins death.]1663Bp. Patrick Parab. Pilgr. xxxi. (1687) 378 Such contrary passions..I cannot overcome..without suffering a great tumult and disorder.1711Addison Spect. No. 164 ⁋1 A long Tumult of Passions which naturally rise in a Lover's Heart.1777Burke Corr. (1844) II. 199 The wild tumult of joy that the news..caused.1844Thirlwall Greece VIII. lx. 31 A tumult of grief and indignation.
II. ˈtumult, v.
[f. prec.]
1. intr. To make a tumult, commotion, or disturbance; to raise an insurrection, to riot. ? Obs.
1570Levins Manip. 187/42 To Tumulte, tumultuare.1616Hayward Sanct. Troub. Soul ii. To Rdr. ⁋2 The sensuall powers did tumult, and breake loose.1653Milton Ps. ii. 1 Why do the Gentiles tumult..?1699R. L'Estrange Erasm. Colloq. (1725) 248 Monks run up and down,..the Rabble tumult; Erasmus writes Colloquies.1864[see tumulting below].
2. trans. To put into tumult; to agitate violently.
1819‘B. Cornwall’ Dram. Scenes, Rape Proserpine i, My heart..seems tumulted By some delicious passion.a1851Moir To wounded Ptarmigan iv, The snortng whale..In its anger tumults ocean.
Hence ˈtumulting vbl. n.; also ˈtumulter, one who stirs up a tumult, a rioter (obs.).
1584Horsey Trav. (Hakl. Soc.) App. 270 To subdue the *tumulters and mainteine quietnes.1670Milton Hist. Eng. ii. Wks. (1847) 497/1 He..punished the tumulters.
1658Cromwell Sp. 4 Feb. in Carlyle Lett. & Sp. (1871) V. 130 To stir up the people of this town into a *tumulting.1864Carlyle Fredk. Gt. xvii. ii. IV. 519 Tired of..fighting and tumulting.




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