

单词 gentile
释义 I. gentile, a. and n.|ˈdʒɛntaɪl, -tɪl|
Forms: 4–7 gentil(l, 5–6 gentyle, (6 gentle), 5– gentile. Also 4 jentile.
[a. or ad. F. gentil, ad. L. gentīlis, f. gent-, gens nation, gens.]
A. adj.
I. In applications derived from the Vulgate |ˈdʒɛntaɪl|. Now usually written with capital initial.
1. Of or pertaining to any or all of the nations other than the Jewish. Also absol. used as a collective n. = the Gentiles.
c1400Apol. Loll. 6 Constreyning þe gentil to be com Jewes in obseruaunce.1686J. Scott Chr. Life (1747) III. 51 A current Doctrine among the ancient Writers, both Gentile and Jewish.1774J. Bryant Mythol. II. 118 There had been a true notion of the Deity transmitted by Zoroaster..when the rest of the gentile world was in darkness.1782Priestley Corrupt. Chr. I. i. 6 The richer and more learned gentile christians.1888A. Levy Reuben Sachs xi. 156 A goodly contingent of Gentile dancing men..and a smaller band of Gentile ladies.
b. Similarly, as used by the Mormons: Of or pertaining to any outside the Mormon community.
1861R. F. Burton City Saints iv. 271 The Endowment House..and all appertaining to it is carefully concealed from Gentile eyes and ears.Ibid. 276 It rests on the best and fairest Gentile evidence.
2. Heathen, pagan. Obs.
1494Fabyan Chron. v. lxxxii. 60 Thyse straungers..were of y⊇ Gentyle or Pagan lawe.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 137 Thai war withoutin men also, Of gentill faith, and also Cristis fo.1542Udall in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 5 Scipio Africanus the elder (to whom the gentile histories dooe attribute this honourable testimonie).1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 477 Twentie Gentile Kings are numbred in his Court.1647A. Ross Mystag. Poet. xv. (1675) 377, I wonder not why the Gentile gods were so cruel and savage.1695Woodward Nat. Hist. Earth iii. i. (1723) 132 The ancient Gentil Writers.1789Brand Hist. Newcastle II. 51 note, The basilicæ of gentile Rome..were converted into churches on their conversion to Christianity.
II. Senses derived from cl. L. (Usually ˈdʒɛntɪl.)
3. Pertaining to a nation or tribe. Now rare.
1513Douglas æneis vii. iv. 56 That was the sett eik by thair gentill law Deput for hallowit feyst and mangeory.1645E. Pagitt Heresiogr. (1661) 196 Such a one as the Iewes call a National or Gentile Saint.1677W. Harris tr. Lemery's Course Chym. (1686) Ep. Ded., Who have spent so many years..in France and who is..a Great master of that Gentile Language.1858Gladstone Homer I. 419 Twice in the Catalogue Homer has occasion to use the Achæan name locally, and in its original or, so to speak, gentile sense.
b. Gram. Of a word: Indicating the country, locality, or nation to which anything belongs.
1818Todd, Gentile, belonging to a nation; as British, Irish, German, &c., are gentile adjectives.1854R. G. Latham Native Races Russian Emp. 223 Lainen is the regular Finlandish termination for gentile nouns.
4. Of or pertaining to a gens or to gentes.
1846Grote Greece (1854) I. 465 There were in every gens or family special gentile deities.1865Merivale Rom. Emp. VIII. lxvii. 260 He combined in his own person the gentile names of several ancestors.1876Freeman Norm. Conq. V. xxiv. 462 In England where the gentile system died out so much sooner.1881Miss Buckland in Knowledge No. 8. 158 These four women councillors select a chief of the gens from their brothers and sons, and this chief is the head of the gentile council.
B. n.
I. From A. I. |ˈdʒɛntaɪl|. (Usually with capital G.)
1. One of any nation other than the Jewish.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 345 He [Petre] wolde not dele wiþ Gentiles for tendirnnesse of þe Jewis.1490Caxton How to Die 4 Paynyms & gentylis as were Jobe, Raab, Ruth, Achior & other semblable.1526Tindale Matt. x. 5 Goo nott into the wayes thatt leade to the gentyls.1671Milton P.R. i. 456 No more shalt thou by oracling abuse The Gentiles.1753Warburton Serm. I. v. 145 The representation of Jesus's being made unto us Wisdom and Righteousness is particularly addressed to the Gentiles.1878J. P. Hopps Jesus iii. 15 He would go and tell them that not only Jews but Gentiles were His children.1892Westcott Gospel of Life 182 Zarathustra is not wholly unworthy to be placed as a Gentile by the side of Abraham.
b. Similarly, as used by Mormons: One outside the Mormon community; opposed to ‘Saint’.
1847Parkman Oregon Tr. (1872) 305 The Mormons..began earnestly to..complain of the ill-usage they had received from the ‘Gentiles’.1861Times 21 Aug., The ‘Gentiles’, as the people are termed who are without the pale of the Mormon community.1861R. F. Burton City Saints viii. 417 Mr. Kennedy, an Irish Gentile.
2. A heathen, a pagan. Now rare.
1390Gower Conf. II. 170 The cronique..Saith that the gentils most of alle Worshippen her.a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) B iij, Neither all doctours among christen men, nor all the philosophers amonge the gentiles.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa i. 33 They are Gentiles in religion.1624I. Bargrave Serm. agst. Self Policy 32 Ecebolius with false Julian..turned Gentill.1673Temple Observ. Unit. Prov. Wks. 1731 I. 9 The Goths were Gentiles when they first broke into the Roman Empire.1732Berkeley Alciphr. i. §6 One is a Christian, another a Jew, a third a Mahometan, a fourth an idolatrous Gentile.1844Lingard Anglo-Sax. Ch. (1858) II. xii. 201 The church of St. Cuthbert..is given in prey to the gentiles.
b. spec. Of a Hindu, as distinguished from a Muslim. (Cf. gentoo.) Obs.
1555Eden Decades 233 heading, The prices of preciovs stones..as they are soulde bothe of the Moores and the gentyles.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 477 This King..more trusteth and employeth the Gentiles in his affaires then the Moores.1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. vi. 15 The Tyrant had..propounded unto this King of Batas, who was a Gentile, the imbracing of Mahomet's Law.1727A. Hamilton New Acc. E. Ind. I. xiii. 148 The Customs in the Kings Books, are but 2 per Cent. for Mahometans, and 5 per Cent. for Gentiles.
II. From A. II. |ˈdʒɛntɪl|.
3. Gram. A part of speech indicating the locality or nation to which anything belongs. (Cf. A. 3 b.)
1612Brinsley Pos. Parts (1669) 25 Q. Why are they [nostras and vestras] called Gentiles? A. Because they properly betoken pertaining to some Countrey or Nation: to some Sect or Faction.1889Century Dict. s.v., The words, Italian, American, Athenian, are gentiles.
4. Roman Law. A member of the same gens.
1875Poste Gaius iii. Comm. (ed. 2) 316 The patrician Claudii were the gentiles of the patron.1880Muirhead Gaius iii. §17 On failure of agnates, the gentiles..are called to the inheritance.
II. gentile
obs. form of genteel, gentle.




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