

单词 turnkind
释义 ˈturnkind, n. and v. Obs.
In 6 tornekynde.
[f. turn v. 35 + kind n. 3.]
A nonce rendering of transubstantiation, transubstantiate.
1548Geste Pr. Masse B ij, Nowe to transubstantiatyon, or tornekynde.Ibid. B v b, What can be more effectually & expresselye spoken agaynste tornekynde, then thys the rehersed Englysshed sentence of Augustyne?Ibid. B vij b, Yf say they y⊇ bred nature were not tornekynded vnto christes body: why dyd he name it hys bodye?Ibid. C j b, Some of our catholiques do contend yt the sayd tornekinding must be nedes granted as right certayn & godly.




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