

单词 gipsies
释义 gipsies, gips, n. pl.
[Prob. only the proper name of the particular springs near Bridlington, now called the Gipsy race. (Perh. to be compared with OF. eaux gypsées, waters containing gypsum, petrifying springs.)]
Intermitting springs.
c1198W. of Newburgh Hist. Angl. (Rolls) I. 85 In provincia Deirorum, haud procul a loco nativitatis meæ, res mirabilis contigit..Est vicus aliquot a mari orientali milliariis distans, juxta quem famosæ illæ aquæ, quas vulgo Gipse vocant, numerosa scaturigine e terra prosiliunt, non quidem jugiter, sed annis interpositis [etc.].1644Digby Nat. Bodies (1645) 189 Like those eruptions of water, which in the Northern parts of England they call Gypsies.1674–91Ray N.C. Words 33 Gipsies, springs that break forth sometimes on the Woulds in Yorkshire. They are look'd upon as a Prognostic of Famine or Scarcity.1692Dissol. World ii. ii. (1732) 111 The spirting Gips or natural jets d'Eaus.1727De Foe Tour Gt. Brit. III. i. 185 The Country People have a Notion that whenever those Gipsies or, as some call 'em, Vipseys, break out, there will certainly ensue either Famine or Plague.1828G. Young Geol. Surv. Yorks. 25 This ebbing and flowing fountain might have some connection with the intermitting springs called Gipsies.1856H. C. Hamilton W. of Newburgh I. 77 note, The village of Wold Newton, near Hunmanby, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, is remarkable for the occurrence in wet seasons of a sudden eruption of cold, clear water, locally called the ‘Gipsies,’ or the ‘Gipsey-race’.




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