

单词 glandule
释义 glandule|ˈglændjuːl|
Chiefly pl. Also 5 glandele, 7 glandul, (glandle).
[a. F. glandule, ad. L. glandula (in pl. glands of the throat, tonsils), dim. of gland-, glans acorn: cf. gland n.1]
1. A gland. Obs.
The word is chiefly current in the 17th cent. and is then applied esp. to the glands of the throat and neck, or to the tonsils, though also used as a general term.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 84 Glandeles þat ben kirnelis þat ben in þe ground [= groin].1601Holland Pliny I. 339 The spungeous kernels, which in men be called Tonsillæ, or the Almands, are in swine named the Glandules.1634T. Johnson Parey's Chirurg. xvii. xv. (1678) 382 At the greater corner of the eye there is a glandule, made for containing and receiving the moisture.1676J. Cooke Marrow Surg. 424 The rest of the Glanduls of the Body do serve either to Excretion, as those of the Testicles, Prostates [etc.]; or for reduction as Glandulæ Renales.1713Derham Phys. Theol. iv. viii. 162 For the affording this oily or muciliginous Matter, there are Glandules very Commodiously placed near the Joynts.1748tr. Vegetius' Distemp. Anim. 161 The glandules also are sometimes troublesome to animals.
b. A small gland.
1751in Chambers Cycl.1870Rolleston Anim. Life Introd. 63 Oral salivary glands are represented only by small glandules impacted in the mucous membrane of the mouth.
2. pl. A swelling of the glands in the throat or neck (so L. glandulæ). Obs. rare.
[c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 207 Also blood is medlid wiþ greet fleume & malancolie, & engendriþ glandulas & Scrophulas.]c1550Lloyd Treas. Health lxiiii. (? 1560) V vi, To take away the glandules, incorporate brimstone and whete bran wt Terpentine.1616Surfl. & Markh. Country Farme 98 For the strangles or glandules which happen vnder the Oxe his throat..plucke away their glandules, and after couer his head with some couering.
3. A morbid swelling or growth in the body.
1656R. Whitley in Nicholas Papers (Camden) III. 263 His distemper was a great swelling on his brest below his clauis. Phisitians..found..yt he had there a glandule by wearing of armes or something else.1670G. H. Hist. Cardinals iii. iii. 296 They found his Reins to be wasted, and two Callous Glandules (which the Physicians call Tuberculi) obstructing the passage of his Urine.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) I. 377 Sometimes [the diseased omentum has been] loaded with many thousand glandules.
Hence glanduˈlaceous a. [see -aceous], ‘like to a gland’ (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1885).




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