

单词 glewe
释义 I. glew, a. Obs.
Forms: 1 gléaw, 1, 3 gleu, 3 glæu, gleuȝ.
[Comm. Teut.: OE. gléaw:—OTeut. glawwu-; see gleg a.]
Wise, prudent, clever. Only OE. and early ME.
c725Corpus Gloss. 1768 Sagax, gleu.c825Vesp. Psalter cxviii[i]. 98 Ofer feond mine gleawne mec dydes.c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. x. 16 Beoð..gleawe swa næddran.c1205Lay. 16237 Þer wes þe aðele eorl..cnihten alre glæuest.a1250Prov. ælfred 362 in O.E. Misc. 124 Þvrh sawe mon is wis And þurh hiselþe [v.r. þurrh selþe] mon is glev.a1250Owl & Night. 193 He is wis and war of worde; He is of worde swiþe gleu.c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 261/13 Þare nas man in no mester so gleu ne so quoynte.
II. glew, v.1 Obs.
Forms: 1 gléowian, glíwian, 3 gleowian, gleu, 4 glew, 5 glewe.
[f. gleow, glew glee n.]
1. intr. To make merry; to jest; to play on musical instruments.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. xxv. [xxiv.] (1891) 346 He..sumu þing mid him sprecende ætgædere and gleowiende wæs þe þær ær inne wæron.c1000Canons of Edgar c. 58 in Thorpe Laws II. 256 Þæt æniᵹ preost ne gliwiᵹe.c1205Lay. 20315 Mid his harpe he ferde to þas kinges hirede, and gon þær to gleowien [c 1275 pleoye] and muche gome to makien.a1225Ancr. R. 368 Me seide him þet heo gleowede and gomede..and liuede in delices.a1300Cursor M. 7426 Bot do we litel dauid cum, Wit his harp..We sal him do bath gleu and sing.a1310in Wright Lyric P. xi. 38 Hire glad⁓shipe nes never gon, Whil y may glewe.
2. To call loudly on.
13..E.E. Allit. P. C. 164 Bot vchon glewed on his god þat gayned hym beste.
3. trans. To afford entertainment or pleasure to; to make happy. (Cf. phrase under game v. 2.)
a1300Cursor M. 7254 (Cott.) Bi a piler was he [Samson] þar sett To gleu [Gött. mirth] þaa gomes at þair mete.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 1910 Þere ys no solas undyr heuene..Þat shulde a man so moche glew As a good woman þat loveþ trew.c1430Syr Tryam. 108 No game schulde the glewe!a1510Douglas K. Hart ii. xviii, Thay never cum the for to glew.
Hence ˈglewing vbl. n., playing, music.
a1300K. Horn 1468 Hi..gunne murie singe, And makede here gleowinge.a1300Cursor M. 7411 His scepe þam-self war sembel samen Of his suete gleuing [other MSS. melody, minstralcy] for to here.
III. glew, v.2 Obs. rare.
[Perh. pseudo-archaic = glow v.2]
intr. To gaze, stare. Hence ˈglewing ppl. a.
1587Turberv. Trag. T. i. 17 Uplifted he his head, and glewde aboute To see what woofull wight it was.Ibid. i. 17 b, Who gallopt on, and glewde with fell regarde.Ibid. iv. Lenvoy vi. 70 b, The glewing grome that fyghts before he commes Is eyther voyded, or by sleight subdued.
IV. glew(e
obs. form of glee, glue, glow v.




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