

单词 recounsel
释义 reˈcounsel, v. Obs.
Forms: α. 4 reconseyle, 4 (6 Sc.) -sale, 5 -saille; 4 reconcele, -sele, 6 Sc. -sel(l. β. 4 recounseil, 5 -seille, 5–6 -seyll, 4–5 -sail, 6 Sc. -saill, -sale; 4–5 (6 Sc.) recounsel, 5 -selle, 6 Sc. -sell, -cel(l.
[a. OF. reconseiller, ad. L. reconciliāre after conseiller to counsel. The forms in Eng. follow those of the simple vb.]
1. trans. = reconcile v. 1 and 2.
13..Propr. Sanct. (Vernon MS.) in Archiv neu. Spr. LXXXI. 308/55 Crist forsoþe was in heuene Þe goode worlde Reconseylinge To him-self.1382Wyclif Matt. v. 24 Go first for to be recounseilid to thi brother.c1450Mirour Saluacioun 2370 And with his blode vs to godde his fadere to reconsaille.1482Caxton Trevisa's Higden ii. xxiii. 98 b, Jason recounseylled and toke ayene his wyfe media.1533Gau Richt Vay (S.T.S.) 42 We war inimis with god bot now we ar reconsalit be the deid of his sone.
2. Sc. = reconcile v. 4.
1501Douglas Pal. Hon. Prol. 94 O Nature Quene, and O ȝe lustie May,..Recounsell me out of this greit affray.1533Bellenden Livy i. xi. (S.T.S.) I. 63 He kest him to recounsell him agane to the favoure of his pepill.1563Winȝet Wks. (S.T.S.) II. 4 He apperis weil to hef bene recouncelit vnto his fauour.
3. = reconcile v. 5 a and b. Also, to bring back, or admit again, to allegiance.
1375Barbour Bruce ix. 740 Thou has a quhill renyit thi fay; Bot thou reconsalit now mon be.1496Dives & Paup. (W. de W.) vii. xviii. 305/2 Yf ony curate..recounseyll hym that wyll not amende hym..he doth symonye.1572Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1814) III. 72/1 Quhill thay haue recounsallit tham selfis to the trew Kirk submittand þame selfis to the Discipline thairof.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) II. 76 Mr. George [Wishart] ansuerit..he wald..be recounsellit in ony thing his conscience movet him.
4. = reconcile v. 6.
c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 7147 Þe new kirke was recounsailde Solemply, and reparailde.1496Dives & Paup. (W. de W.) i. lxiv. 108/2 Yf it [pollution] myght be preued, ther sholde noo preeste synge ne saye noo masse therin, ne bodye be buryed tyll it [the churchyard] were recounseylled ayen by the bysshop.1533Bellenden Livy v. xxiii, Þat þe templis of þe goddis (quhilkis war pollutit & violet be Inemyis) suld be recounseld, renewit, & purifyit.
5. To recover, regain. rare—1.
c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) Pref. 2, I trowe wele þat within a lytill tyme oure riȝt heritage..schuld be recounsailed and putte in to þe handes of þe right heyers of Ihesu Criste.
Hence reˈcounseller; reˈcounselling vbl. n.
a1340Hampole Psalter xliv. 3 Þe warld resayued grace of recouncelynge.1388Wyclif Deut. v. 5 Y was recouncelere and mediatour bitwixe God and ȝou in that tyme.Isa. lx. 10 In my recounselyng Y had merci on thee.1483Cath. Angl. 301/2 A Recounsillynge, reconsiliacio.




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