

单词 glossy
释义 I. glossy, a.|ˈglɒsɪ|
[f. gloss n.2+ -y1.]
a. Having a gloss; smooth and shining; highly polished; lustrous. spec. in Path., designating morbid symptoms, as glossy skin, glossy tongue. Also designating photographic or printing paper that is smooth and shiny; hence denoting a magazine, etc., printed on such paper, or something that is characteristic of the type of material which is published in such magazines.
1556J. Heywood Spider & F. xxxviii. 141 Yet hath that glossy web estimacion more.1635–56Cowley Davideis iii. 675 Merabs long hair was glossy chestnut brown.1667Milton P.L. i. 672. 1697 Dryden Virg. Past. ii. 72 Myself will search..For downy Peaches and the glossie Plum.1702Pope Sappho 44 Glossy jett is pair'd with shining white.1766W. Gordon Gen. Counting-ho. 430, 10½ yards striped glossy silk.1796Kirwan Elem. Min. (ed. 2) I. 183 Its streak somewhat glossy.1808Med. Jrnl. XIX. 224 His eyes were of a glossy white, and his tongue furred.1861Hughes Tom Brown at Oxf. iv, He comes..in a very glossy hat, the only man in the room not in cap and gown.1870J. Paget Surg. Path. (ed. 3) ii. 32 The American army surgeons..have confirmed my description [in 1864] of this ‘glossy skin’.1877Black Green Past. xxxi, The sharp contrast between the dazzling white of the tables and the glossy black faces and heads of the waiters.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. III. 345 If general it [i.e. glossitis] is often called glossy tongue.1897C. M. Hepworth Animated Photogr. p. xv (Advt.), Citos glossy P.O.P. Citos matte P.O.P.1930Post Office Electr. Engin. Jrnl. July 101/1 The stock of printing papers, which all are ‘Glossy’.1934R. Macaulay Going Abroad xii. 88 One of those smart, glossy, illustrated magazines.1936Archit. Rev. LXXX. 135/1 Salzburg, full of Americans in green corduroy shorts reading their glossy magazines.1955M. Gilbert Sky High viii. 117 She had made a pile of the glossy weeklies, and was looking at the latest copy of Country Life.1958Times Lit. Suppl. 7 Nov. 636/4 Like Harper's it is ‘semi-glossy’ and determinedly middle-brow, half way between the stringently intellectual and specialized Kenyon, Sewanee, Hudson and Partisan Reviews and the glossy and sophisticated Ladies' Home Journal, Harper's Bazaar and Vogue.1967Observer 1 Oct. 9/1 The ignorant and the downright stupid, whose only idea of what to expect is derived from glossy travel brochures.
b. fig. Having a specious appearance or fair outward show.
1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 269 The adulterate and glossy Customs in esteem among the Persians.1724R. Welton Subst. Chr. Faith 359 They appear varnish'd, fair, and glossy to the world.1791Boswell Johnson an. 1754 I. 143 He [Ld. Chesterfield], however, with that glossy duplicity which was his constant study, affected to be quite unconcerned.1796Mod. Gulliver's Trav. 154 Protect chicane with rhet'ric's glossy shew.1857H. S. Randall T. Jefferson I. xv. 616 To a pure mind, there is something at first revolting in the smooth, glossy pretences of diplomacy!
c. Comb., as glossy-black, glossy-leaved, glossy-rinded, glossy-white adjs.
1806R. Cumberland Mem. (1807) II. 107 Dishevelled locks, *glossy black as the plumage of the raven.
1784Cowper Task i. 314 Some *glossy-leav'd, and shining in the sun.1880C. R. Markham Peruv. Bark 251 A large proportion were of the glossy-leaved myrtle family and composites.
1757Dyer Fleece i. 35 The tall growth of *glossy-rinded beech.
1806R. Cumberland Mem. (1807) II. 83 Streaming with blood down his *glossy-white sides from the shoulder to the flank.
Hence ˈglossily adv., ˈglossiness.
1680Boyle Produciblen. Chym. Princ. i. 50 Their Surfaces had a smoothness and glosiness much surpassing whatever I had observed in Marine or Common Salt.1727Bailey vol. II, Glossily, with a Lustre or Brightness; also by way of Shew or Appearance.1781F. Burney Diary May, She was struck with the beautiful glossiness of the paper of a letter.1834Brit. Husb. I. 147 The sleekness and glossiness of their coats.1848C. Brontë J. Eyre xvii. 173 Her dark hair shone glossily under the shade of an azure plume.1871G. H. Napheys Prev. & Cur. Dis. ii. i. 364 Glossiness of the skin.

Senses in Dict. become 1 a, b, 2 a. Add: [2.] b. Special collocation: glossy ibis, a cosmopolitan species of ibis, Plegadis falcinellus, with glossy green wing feathers.
1785Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds III. i. 115 (heading) Glossy Ibis.1839–43[see ibis n.].1961Times 28 Oct. 9/7 The glossy ibis, now rare or extinct in much of Europe.1985Campbell & Lack Dict. Birds 299/2 The Glossy Ibis is a dark, chestnut-coloured bird, glossy green on the wings, and with the head mostly feathered.
II. glossy, n. colloq. (orig. U.S.).|ˈglɒsɪ|
[f. the adj.]
a. A photograph with a glossy surface. Also fig.
1931J. E. Bakeless Mag. Making 303 Photographs for half-tone reproduction should be ‘glossies’, that is, prints with a high gloss finish.1946T. Godsey Free Lance Photogr. iii. 45 Most of the photos produced by a free lance are glossies.1967Boston (Mass.) Herald 8 May 25/1 Poor Robert, I thought, it is still true what another critic once wrote of him: he is ‘an eight by 10 glossy’.
b. A ‘glossy’ magazine or the like (see glossy a.); also, a copy of such a magazine; material printed in such magazines.
1945G. Endore Methinks the Lady (1947) ii. 25 She wrote most everything: pulp, glossy, copy, one-act plays.1952A. Wilson Hemlock & After i. iii. 55 The slightly too smart appearance, which the world of women's glossies had imposed upon her.1955J. Cannan Long Shadows iv. 65 Running your scissors through the poor girl's picture and then leaving the damned glossy about for anyone to see.1960Punch 17 Feb. 267/2 Give me the glossiest glossy and I mightn't glance at it.1970Daily Tel. 31 Mar. 13/2 The smart new decoration colours for the Seventies as decreed by the American glossies.
c. Cinemat. A film depicting fashionable life.
1960Guardian 19 Nov. 4/7 One of those large-scale Hollywood ‘glossies’.1961Ibid. 18 Mar. 5/3 Both [films] are large-scale glossies.




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