

单词 goods
释义 common good, goods
[transl. L. bonum publicum, bona publica.]
The public property of a community or corporation; esp. in Sc. use, the property, whether in lands or funds, held by the magistrates, and the revenues payable to them, for the behoof of the community. (Jamieson Suppl.)
c1380[see commoning vbl. n. 1].1467Ord. Worcester in Eng. Gilds 386 Also that the worthy men of the seid cloth graunt no yefte of the comyns good..wtout the advise of the xlviij. comyners..and þat yf ther be no comyn goodes in hande, etc.1491Sc. Acts Jas. IV, §36 It is statute and ordained anent the commoun gud of all our Soveraine Lordis Burrowes within the Realme, that the said commoun gude be observed and keiped to the commoun profite of the towne.1774in A. McKay Hist. Kilmarnock App. (1864) 304 The haill common-goods and custums of the said burgh and barony.1828Scott F.M. Perth xxiii, Any aid which you may afford from the Common Good, to the support of the widow Magdalen and her orphans.




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