

单词 goose-egg
释义 ˈgoose-egg
(Pl. geese-eggs.)
a. The egg of a goose; hence U.S. in scoring at athletic contests, the zero or ‘0’ showing a miss or inability to score. (Cf. duck's-egg.)
c1394P. Pl. Crede 225 His chyn wiþ a chol lollede As greet as a gos eye.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xviii. xxxiii. (1495) 795 The cocodrill layeth eggys in the londe that ben gretter than goos eggys.Ibid. xix. lxxxiii. 914 Geys egges ben grete and harde to defye.1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. iv. (1586) 164 Of Goose Egges..never set under a Henne above five.1650B. Discolliminium 30 One Mother Huggin..got all the goose-eggs, hen-eggs, and duck-eggs she could.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) VI. 294 It..grows to the size of a goose-egg.1867H. Chadwick Scrapbooks XI, The Buckeyes in this innings were treated to a goose-egg.1878C. Hallock Amer. Club List & Sportsman's Gloss. p. v, Goose-egg, a miss, so-called, in rifle-shooting at a range.1886N.Y. Times July (Cent.), The New York players presented the Boston men with nine unpalatable goose eggs in their [baseball] contest on the Polo Grounds yesterday.1931Amer. Speech VII. 22 Goose egg usually means ‘no tip’.
b. attrib. goose-egg moth, Cilix compressa.
1819G. Samouelle Entomol. Compend. 254.




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