

单词 recusant
释义 recusant, n. and a.|ˈrɛkjuːzənt, rɪˈkjuːzənt|
[ad. L. recūsant-em, pres. pple. of recūsāre to recuse. Cf. F. récusant (Littré).]
A. n.
1. Hist. One, especially a Roman Catholic (Popish recusant), who refused to attend the services of the Church of England.
1552–3Act 7 Edw. VI, c. 4 §2 The Certificate of Recusauntes made by any of the said Archebyshoppes.1583Babington Commandm. iv. (1637) 34 In my opinion our recusantes, as wee call them, that is, our refusing papists to come to church, doo greatly offende.1598Hakluyt Voy. I. 595 The principall catholique recusants..were sent to remaine at certaine conuenient places.1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 32 Though all our Recusants be the King of Englands subjects, yet too many of them be the King of Spaines servants.1687Evelyn Diary 10 Mar., They would not promise his Majesty their consent to the repeal of the Test and penal Statutes against Popish Recusants.a1734North Exam. ii. v. §78 (1740) 363 To present all Recusants, whereof the legal Definition was the not coming to Church for a Month.1830Scott Demonol. viii. 248 It appears that this remote county was full of Popish recusants.1881Shorthouse J. Inglesant (1882) I. ii. 46 Many Papists who had conformed to the authority of the English Church..fell away, and became recusants.
transf.a1635Corbet Poems (1807) 73 Imagine now the sceane lyes in the hall; (For at high noone we are recusants all).1640Sir J. Mennes & Smith Wit's Recreat. §174 Sith our Church him disciplin'd so sore He (rank Recusant) comes to Church no more.
b. Applied to other religious dissentients.
1777Watson Philip II (1793) II. xviii. 370 By which the recusants were banished from the Netherlands.1861Stanley East. Ch. iv. (1869) 143 It is impossible at this distance of time..to judge how far the recusants were influenced by an attachment to the positive doctrine of Arius.1891S. Mostyn Curatica 121 Five of the recusants took away their hassocks..and worshipped with us no more.
2. One who refuses to submit to some authority, comply with some regulation or request, etc.
1616Bullokar Eng. Expos., Recusant, he that refuseth to doe any thing.1621Fletcher Wild Goose Chase ii. i, Since ye are so angry, And hold your Sister such a strong Recusant [etc.].1655Fuller Ch. Hist. ii. iv. §14 This Law did not presently find an universall Obedience in all the Land. And the Wonder is not great, if at the first making thereof it met with many Recusants.1805Wordsw. Prelude iii. 67 All studded round..With loyal students faithful to their books, Half and half idlers, hardy recusants, And honest dunces.1848W. K. Kelly tr. L. Blanc's Hist. Ten Y. I. 521 Some refused compliance with the tariff. The recusants were adjudged to be in the wrong.1867Freeman Norm. Conq. (1876) I. App. 762 Dealing with the dominions of the recusant as being a forfeited fief.
b. Const. against, of, to.
1599H. Buttes Dyets Drie Dinner To Country-men Rdrs., They are true Catholiques in matter of Dyet: no Recusants of any thing that is mans meate.1638Featly Transubst. 7 They are no lesse Recusants to your authority, then to our lawes.a1661B. Holyday (J.), All that are recusants of holy rites.1850Grote Greece ii. lv. (1862) V. 23 All being recusants of the recent peace.1879Contemp. Rev. Oct. 293 All ill-conditioned recusants against the decrees of the local senate should be mulcted in heavy damages.
B. adj.
1. Refusing to attend the parish church; dissenting.
1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. x. i. §54. 892 Catesby like⁓wise tooke in Ambrose Rookewood and Iohn Grant two Recusant Gentlemen.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. iv. §254 The Major part, albeit the Bishops and all the Recusant Lords were driven from thence, still opposed them.1852Thackeray Esmond ii. xiii, Do you know that your recusant Bishops wanted to consecrate him Bishop of Southampton?1870Burton Hist. Scot. lxvi. (1873) VI. 56 In one instance, where they had failed to bring a recusant clergyman to reason, he rates them in this petulant manner.
2. Refusing to acknowledge authority or to do something commanded or desired.
1659Milton Civ. Power Wks. 1738 I. 554 The earnest expression of God's Displeasure on those Recusant Jews.1828Miss Mitford Village Ser. iii. (1863) 47 Master Sims tried his best coaxing and his best double X on the recusant players.1847Grote Greece ii. xxxiii. (1862) III. 195 The subjugation of the recusant Medes.
b. In predicative use. rare.
1820Scott Abbot xix, Frieze-jacket wants to dance with stammel-waistcoat, but she is coy and recusant.1850Grote Greece ii. lv. (1862) V. 2 Though the peace was sworn,..the most powerful members of the Spartan confederacy remained all recusant.
3. Making a recusation.
1726Ayliffe Parergon 453 If the Party Recusant has any Cause himself depending with the Judge, in the Judges private Capacity.




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