

单词 underbear
释义 underˈbear, v. Now rare.
[OE. underberan: see under-1 4 a, and bear v.]
1. trans. To sustain, suffer, endure. Also absol.
c950Rit. Eccl. Dunelm. (Surtees) 13 Subportantes invicem, vnderbearað bitvien.a1050Liber Scintill. v. (1889) 24 Mid geþylde underberende [L. supportantes] ᵹemænelice & forgyfende eow sylfum.1340Ayenb. 84 Uirtue makeþ wynne heuene..and alle þe kueades of þe wordle onderbere and gledliche þolye.1382Wyclif Ecclus. xii. 14 If forsothe thou bowe doun, he shal not vnderbern [L. supportabit].a1400Pauline Ep. (Powell) Col. iii. 13 Onderberande oþþer oþer and forgifande.Ibid. Heb. xiii. 22, I preye ȝou..þat ȝee vndyrbere [L. sufferatis] pacyently þe woord of solace.1595Shakes. John iii. i. 65 Get thee gone, And leaue those woes alone, which I alone Am bound to vnder-beare.a1634Chapman Alphonsus iv. i. 183, I am not able for to underbear The weight of sorrow which doth bruise my soul.1697Congreve Mourn. Bride iv. vii, All pains and tortures That..dire revenge can think Shall he accumulated under-bear.1888G. Young tr. Sophocles 265 My misery No mortal but myself can underbear.
2. To sustain, support, bear up.
1382Wyclif Ezra vi. 3 Cirus the king demede..that thei putte groundis vnderberende [L. supportantia] the heiȝte of sixti cubitus.1593Nashe Christ's T. F iij, I will corroborate my Crosse Giant-like, to vnder-beare the Atlas burthen of her insolences.1595Peele Anglorum Feriæ 202 Show the way To help to underbear with grave advice The weighty beam whereon the state depends.a1618Raleigh Rem. (1644) 154 The first would soon be broken from their bodies, were they not underborn by many branches.
3. To introduce, apply. Obs.—1
1382Wyclif 2 Peter i. 5 Forsothe ȝe vndir beringe, or ȝeuynge, al cure [L. curam omnem subinferentes], mynistre in ȝoure feith vertu.
4. To trim round the lower part.
1599Shakes. Much Ado iii. iv. 20 Cloth a gold..set with pearles,..and skirts, round vnderborn with a blewish tinsel.
Hence underˈbearing vbl. n.
1593Shakes. Rich. II, i. iv. 29 Wooing poore Craftes-men, with the craft of soules, And patient vnder-bearing of his Fortune.1598Florio, Sopportatione, a toleration,..a suffring, a supporting, an vnderbearing.1600Surflet Countrie Farme vi. vi. 737 To vines so planted there neede no propping or vnderbearing.




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