

单词 guillemin
释义 ˈguillemin Hist.
Also 3 gilmin.
[a. OF. Guillemin, f. Guillelme (mod. Guillaume) William; for the suffix see -ine1.]
A hermit of the order founded in the 12th c. by disciples of St. William.
The reference to their habit in the quot. indicates that they wore a grey hood like the Franciscans and a black gown like the early Dominicans.
a1300Sat. People Kildare vii. in E.E.P. (1862) 153 Hail be ȝe gilmins wiþ ȝur blake gunes ȝe leuith ȝe wildirnis and filliþ þe tiuns Menur wiþ-oute and prechour wiþ-inne.1844L. S. Costello Béarn I. 135 Orders of hermit monks rose up in every quarter, bearing his name of Guillemins.




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