

单词 undisturbed
释义 undiˈsturbed, ppl. a.
[un-1 8, 5 b.]
Not disturbed or interfered with.
1. In predicative use.
It is doubtful whether vndistrobbed in Alexander 3418 (see undisturbled ppl. a.) belongs here, or is an error for vndistrobled = undistroubled ppl. a.
a1610Healey Epictetus (1636) 70 So shall thy thoughts remaine undisturbed.1622in Foster Eng. Factories Ind. (1908) II. 73 Wee shall not be undisturbed till the one or other of us have given some kind of sattisfaxione.1712Addison Spect. No. 381 ⁋4 His Imagination is always clear, and his Judgment undisturbed.1794S. Williams Vermont 90 When undisturbed, this animal is without any ill scent.1807[see undistressed].1876Bancroft Hist. U.S. I. Introd. 2 Even the enemies of the state..have liberty to express their opinions undisturbed.
b. Const. by, with.
1635–56Cowley Davideis i. 80 Where their vast Court the Mother-waters keep, And undisturb'd by Moons in silence sleep.1674Jackson's Recant. D 4, On that day the Roads are most quiet, being undisturbed with great quantities of People.1796F. Burney Camilla IV. 258 Undisturbed by the various noises around him.1827Lytton Falkland i. 36, I am undisturbed by a single intruder.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) I. 373 Like the sleep of him who is undisturbed even by the sight of dreams.
2. In attrib. use:
a. Of things, places, or persons.
1627May Lucan v. H 4 b, Shee vtters from an vndisturbed brest Fain'd words with no confused murmure flowing.1692Bentley Boyle Lect. 108 All the parts of an undisturb'd fluid.1728Eliza Heywood tr. Mme. de Gomez's Belle A. (1732) II. 272 To retire from Court; and in some safe and undisturb'd Retreat..pass the remainder of my days.1819Keats Fame 12 The undisturbed lake has crystal space.1898J. T. Fowler Durh. Cath. 33 The undisturbed grave-covers of the bishops buried beneath.
b. Of conditions, courses of action, etc.
1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. §162 A full, entire, and undisturbed Peace.1728Eliza Heywood tr. Mme. de Gomez's Belle A. (1732) II. 105 This Night was pass'd..in all the Charms of an undisturbed Tranquillity.1765Blackstone Comm. I. 197 By a long and undisturbed descent from his ancestors.1862Ansted Channel Isl. iv. xxiii. (ed. 2) 538 Undisturbed possession during thirty years is a good title.1884Manch. Exam. 17 May 4/7 The volumes..are left to undisturbed repose on the shelves of our public libraries.
Hence undiˈsturbedness.
1649Rainbow Funeral Serm. 29 May 25 They have health, leisure and undisturbedness of understanding.1718Entertainer No. 34. 229 None has given us a truer idea of..Moderation, Calmness and Undisturbedness.




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