

单词 unfeared
释义 unˈfeared, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Not affected by fear; undismayed. Obs.
1435Misyn Fire of Love 100 Als þi saule criste truly has soght & vnferde & in sekynge wolde not cees.c1475Cath. Angl. 127/2 (A), Vn-Ferde, vbi hardy.1600Fairfax Tasso i. lii, Vnfear'd in fight, vntir'd with hurt or wound.1611B. Jonson Catiline iv. i, Though Heauen should speake, with all his wrath at once,..we should stand vpright, and vnfear'd.1627May Lucan ii. 556 He yet vnfear'd, his anger doth retain.
2. Not regarded with fear; undreaded.
1612Two Noble K. i. ii. 71 A most unbounded Tyrant, whose successes Makes heaven unfeard.1667Milton P.L. ix. 187 Nor nocent yet, but on the grassie Herbe Fearless unfeard he slept.1796Coleridge Destiny of Nations 146 That..herself Unfeared by Fellow-natures, she might wait On the poor labouring man with kindly looks.1839Bailey Festus 291 It is the thing Unfeared and unforethought which tempts, betrays.1868Morris Earthly Par. (1870) I. ii. 597 Till death unfeared at last shall come to me.




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