

单词 harbinge
释义 harbinge, v.|ˈhɑːbɪndʒ|
Forms α. 5–7 herberge, 5 herbige. β. 6, 9 harbinge, 7 herbinge.
[ME. herberge, herbige, a. OF. herbergier, herbigier (3rd sing. pr. herberge, -bige): see next, and cf. harbour v.]
a. trans. To lodge.
b. intr. (for refl., as in OFr.) To take up one's quarters. Obs.
c1475Partenay 1313 And ther ooste myght see ful fast herbiging.1515Caxton's Chron. Eng. iv. 35 b/1 A wyse man..that was herberged a nyght in his house.1561Stow Eng. Chron., Universities x. (R. Supp.), Fro the reuerence and eminence of the personages therein harbinged.1596Nashe Saffron Walden 91 One Master Bradburies, where the late deceased Countesse of Darbie was then harbinged.1601F. Tate Househ. Ord. Edw. II, §56 (1876) 42 They shal..make the liveree of hay for horses herberged out of the court.a1603T. Cartwright Confut. Rhem. N. T. (1618) 30 The creature and the Creator, which if they were well herbinged should not haue lien so neere together.
2. [nonce-use from harbinger.] trans. To be a harbinger of, to announce beforehand.
1868Whitman Sel. Poems, Starting fr. Paumanok 17 The future of the States I harbinge.1897Mem. F. O. Morris 83 Harbinging the return.




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