

单词 hard-meat
释义 hard-meat ? Obs.
Corn and hay used as fodder, as opposed to grass.
1481–4E. Paston in P. Lett. No. 859 III. 280, I had my horsse with hym at lyvery..I payed for hard mete ever to hym.1523Fitzherb. Husb. §66 A cowe shall gyue more mylke with a lyttell grasse and strawe..thanne she shall doo with hey and strawe..for the harde meate dryeth vp the mylke.1641Best Farm. Bks. (Surtees) 73 If there fall a good thicke snowe and frosts with it..it will make them fall to theire hard-meate most sharpely and keenely.1737Bracken Farriery Impr. (1757) II. 85 To suffer Horses to lie at Hard-meat..for Weeks.
b. fig. at (to) hard meat: in close confinement; under strict restraint. Obs.
1594Nashe Unfort. Trav. 16 Dreame..that I am close at hard meate at Windsore or at Hampton Court.1642Baker tr. Malvezzi's Disc. Tacitus 459 They meant to hold Augustus (as the saying is) to hard meat, and make him grant what they demanded.1725Swift Let. to Pope Wks. 1761 VIII. 46, I hear nothing of our friend Gay, but I find the court keeps him at hard meat.




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