

单词 hasty pudding
释义 hasty pudding
A pudding made of flour stirred in boiling milk or water to the consistency of a thick batter; in some parts applied to a similar preparation of oatmeal (usually called ‘porridge’); in U.S. made with Indian meal and water.
1599H. Buttes Dyets drie Dinner F ij, I can thinke of no fitter name than an hasty pudding. For I protest in so great haste I composed it, that [etc.].1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa ii. 45 They cast barlie-meale into boiling water..stirring the same..Then setting this pap or hastie⁓pudding upon the table.1633Heywood Eng. Trav. ii. Wks. 1874 IV. 28 Like a hastie Pudding, longer in eating, then it was in making.1741Compl. Fam.-Piece i. ii. 160 Take a large Pint of Milk, put to it 4 Spoonfuls of Flour.. and boil it into a smooth Hasty-Pudding.1769De Foe's Tour Gt. Brit. III. 243 The common Breakfasting here⁓abouts is Hasty-pudden, made of Oatmeal and Water boiled to a Paste.1820W. Irving Sketch Bk., Leg. Sleepy Hollow (1865) 438 Great fields of Indian corn..holding out the promise of cakes and hasty pudding.1879B. F. Taylor Summer-Savory i. 7 Their green knapsacks are growing plump with rations of samp, hasty-pudding, and Indian bread.1881Harper's Mag. Jan. 227/1 Cod-fish balls for breakfast on Sunday morning,..and fried hasty-pudding.1948Newsweek 5 Jan. 66/1 Cook in an iron pot; turn out on a dish and the result: hasty pudding.




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