

单词 universalize
释义 universalize, v.|juːnɪˈvɜːsəlaɪz|
[f. universal a. + -ize. Cf. F. universaliser, It. -izzare, Pg. -isar.]
1. trans. To make or render universal; to give a universal character to; to extend to all the members of a class; to apply or appropriate to a class of things, as distinct from the individuals composing it.
1642H. More Song of Soul ii. ii. iii. 7 Can souls that be thus universalis'd, Begot into the life of God e're dy?1664Apology 552, I do not speak of the English Church,..but of..the Reformed Churches in General—so Universalized were my thoughts in that Meditation.1840L. Hunt Seer 73/1 Their ideal of a face, let them try to universalise it as they can, is a French one.1855Milman Lat. Chr. xiv. iii. VI. 463 The conception by the senses is confused,..till abstracted, analysed, at once universalised and individualised by the intelligence.1876L. Stephen Eng. Th. 18th C. I. 323 We must, then, universalize our terms.
absol.a1853Robertson Lect. ii. (1858) 185 It is thus that the poets universalize and unite.1871Fraser Life Berkeley iii. 77 We cannot even perceive without universalizing.
2. To imbue with general (in contrast to specific) properties. Obs.—1
1676Princ. Chymists Lond. 59 Salts distilled from the Soots of Chymnies, arising from different Woods, notwithstanding their Alteration by the Ambient Air, and their being (by that Medium) in some measure Universallized.
3. To make of universal application; to bring into universal use.
1809Crit. Rev. XVI. 499 He must universalize in his empire the given religion which he prefers.1829Bentham Justice & Cod. Petit. 102 In the case of circuit business this source of misdecision is purposely established and universalised.1845Maurice Mor. Philos. in Encycl. Metrop. II. 603/1 To universalize the system of Plato.1891[F. C. S. Schiller] Riddles Sphinx 183 If the law of evolution could be really and completely universalized.
b. To extend or spread over the whole expanse.
1813Jefferson Writ. (1830) IV. 186 To complete and universalize the desolation of the globe.1875W. R. Greg Misc. Ess. vi. (1882) 144 Our sewerage system shall be universalized and perfected.
Hence uniˈversalized ppl. a.; uniˈversalizing vbl. n. and ppl. a. Also uniˈversalizer, one who makes universal.
1651H. More Second Lash in Enthus. Tri., etc. (1656) 179 A free divine *universalized spirit is worth all.1691Norris Pract. Disc. 64 The unselfish universalized nature of God.1871R. H. Hutton Ess. I. 169 The fourth gospel is essentially a universalised Judaism.1895W. M. Ramsay St. Paul xvi. §3. 375 A distinct step towards the Universalised Church.
1853E. G. Holland Mem. J. Badger xviii. (1854) 372 The active theological minds..may fall under two general classifications which..we may call the centralizers and *universalizers.
1811Bentham Panopt. Corr. Wks. 1843 XI. 161 An engine for the *universalising of Protestantism.1891[F. C. S. Schiller] Riddles Sphinx 183 The first case will evidently not bear universalizing.
1836G. S. Faber Prim. Doctr. Election ii. iii. 306 The attentive reader..will readily perceive their palpably *universalising tenor.1851Fraser's Mag. XLIII. 150 A kind of vagabondizing, universalizing philanthropy.




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