

单词 unlaced
释义 unˈlaced, ppl. a.
[f. prec. or un-1 8.]
1. a. Having a lace or laces undone or slackened. b. Not laced; with lace(s) unfastened.
1447O. Bokenham Seyntys (Roxb.) 277 Whan the gospel shulde be Red..evere ryht up stude she Wyth sleyvs unlaced.a1529Skelton E. Rummyng 133 Some wenches come vnlased, Some huswyues come vnbrased.1582Stanyhurst æneis iv. (Arb.) 113 Her self..standing neere the halloed altars, Naked in her oane foote, with frock vnlaced aparralyd.1601Holland Pliny II. 308 Women..with their haire hanging loose about their eares, vngirt, vnlaced, and vnbraced.1827Pollock Course T. viii. 91 Unscutcheoned all,..Unlaced, uncoroneted, unbestarred.1871Figure Training 79, I had never..been suffered to remain unlaced one instant longer than was absolutely necessary.
2. Cut up, carved. Obs.—1
16022nd Pt. Return Parnass. iv. i. 1526 Sometimes a messe of stewd broth will do well, and an vnlac'd Rabbet is best of all.




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