

单词 herein
释义 herein, adv.|hɪərˈɪn|
[orig. hér inne, f. hér here adv. 16 + innan, inne, adv., subseq. in, adv. and prep. Cf. MDu. hierinne, -in, Du. hierin, MHG. hier inne, Ger. hierinne, -in, Du. herind(e, heri, Sw. härinne, -in, häri.]
1. Here within, in here; in this place; in this passage, book, etc.; also, into this place.
αc1000ælfric Hom. II. 312 Se ylca is herinne ðe ᵹiu ær ahredde ða ᵹelyfedan cnihtas.a1225Ancr. R. 290 Ame dogge..hwat wultu nu herinne?c1450Merlin 138 He resteth in my chamber here-ynne.
βc1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 113 Þe king of blisse wile faren herin.a1300Cursor M. 18434 Til adam..Be comen wit his folk here-in.1586A. Day Eng. Secretary i. (1625) 136 Of which this letter heerein inclosed shall beare sufficient testimony.1673Ray Journ. Low C. 286 Heerin were many vaulted or arched walks hewn out of the Rock.1865Wood Homes without H. i. 20 The animal..scoops out a burrow..Herein it lies asleep all day.
2. In this thing, matter, or case; in this fact, circumstance, or condition; in this particular.
αa1225Ancr. R. 12 Herinne is religiun, & nout iþe wide hod.c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 2215 Wher moost sorwe is her Inne Ther wol we first amenden and bigynne.
βa1300Cursor M. 21396 A titel sagh he [on þe cros] li, ‘Her-in sal þou ha wictori’.1514Barclay Cyt. & Uplondyshm. (Percy Soc.) p. xlviii, Now judge, Coridon, if herein be pleasour.1526Tindale John xv. 8 Heare in is my father glorified.1590Shakes. Com. Err. iii. i. 86 Heerein you warre against your reputation.1710Berkeley Princ. Hum. Knowl. §59 Herein consists the knowledge of nature.1897Leadam in Eng. Hist. Rev. Jan. 153 He insists strongly that the king can be sued, herein opposing Bracton.
3. quasi-n. This place. Obs.
c1440Ipomydon 1877, I am, he said, lorde of hereinne.
herein above, herein after, herein before = above, after, before, in this document, statute, etc. (cf. here adv. 16), are often written as one word.
1590Webbe Trav. (Arb.) 22 The citty of Ierusalem, where part of the olde Temple is yet standing..as herein after shall be shewed.1687Pennsylv. Archives I. 101 All and singular the premises hereinbefore mentioned.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1852) II. 413 The illustrations hereinbefore attempted of several important scripture doctrines.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) III. 404 The several species of makeshift evidence hereinabove brought to view.1863Kinglake Crimea (1876) I. xv. 350 In the way hereinafter prescribed.1875Poste Gaius ii. §115 The requisitions hereinbefore explained.




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