

单词 hideous
释义 hideous, a. (adv.)|ˈhɪdɪəs|
Forms: 4–5 hidous(e, (hid-, hyd-, -os(e, -ows(e, -owes, -oys, -us, -ws, hedous, -oes, -eows, hiddowus, hudous, idous, ydous, Sc. hid-, hyd-, -wis(e, -wys)s, hidowis, hydvouss), 4–6 hydous(e, 5–8 hidious, 6 hiduous, hiddoues, hydeous, -ious, -youse, hedious, idyous, Sc. hiddows, -dowis, heiddyous, 6– hideous.
[ME. hidous, a. AF. hidous = OF. hidos, -eus, earlier (11th c.) hisdos, f. hisde, hide horror, fear. The alteration of -ous to -eous belongs to 16th c.: cf. courteous, despiteous, piteous, and see -ous.
(As to origin of the Fr. word, see Diez, Littré, Brachet. Some think hisdos immediately represented L. *hispidōsus (formerly attributed to Catullus), f. hispidus rough, shaggy, bristly, and that the n. hisde was a back-formation from the adj. But this presents numerous difficulties.)]
1. Frightful, dreadful, terrible, horrible; hence, horribly ugly or unpleasing, repulsive, revolting. In the original sense the notion was that of ‘causing dread or horror’; this has gradually passed into that of ‘revolting to the senses or feelings’.
a1300[implied in hideously].1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 10216 Of þat syȝt he gan him grys, For þat syȝt was hydous And dreful and perylous.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 4772 It sal be hydus til mans heryng.c1380Sir Ferumb. 4435 Þe Sarsyn was an hudous man, By-twyne ys to browen was a span largeliche of brede.1388Wyclif Wisd. x. 16 He stood aȝens hidouse [1382 grisful] kyngis.c1470Henry Wallace vi. 258 Aferd thai war with hidwis noyis and dyne.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge ii. 864 Wofully cruciat with peynes hiduous.1667Milton P.L. i. 46 Hurld headlong..With hideous ruine and combustion down To bottomless perdition.1728Pope Dunc. iii. 166 Silence, ye Wolves! while Ralph to Cynthia howls, And makes Night hideous.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) IV. 233 Resembling a baboon in size, strength of body, and an hideous wrinkled visage.1783Watson Philip III (1839) 235 More than a hundred thousand men, women, and children, suffered death in its most hideous forms.1853Kingsley Hypatia ix, Lanes and alleys hideous with filth and poverty.1896Duke of Argyll Philos. Belief Pref. 13 The hideous noises made by the rude machinery of the first steamboat.
b. Terrific on account of size; tremendously or monstrously large; huge, immense. ? Obs.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 326 Þe kyng did mak right ȝare an hidous engyn.c1440Gesta Rom. xxx. 110 (Harl. MS.) He saw at the fote of the tree an hidowse pitte, ande ane orible dragone þere in.c1440Promp. Parv. 239/2 Hydows (K. hiddowus..), immanis, immensus.1513Douglas æneis iii. vi. 137 Als grete, wele nere, As bene ane heiddyous huddoun, or a quhale.1596Spenser F.Q. v. xii. 15 Of stature huge and hideous he was, Like to a Giant for his monstrous hight.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 7 This hidious Cataract [waterspout], as I conceive, is exhaled by the Suns powerfull Attract.1700S. L. tr. Fryke's Voy. E. Ind. 105 The Elephant..tumbled down backwards into the River, with a most hideous plunge.1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 146 The great precipice below, which hangs over the sea, is so hideous.
2. Terrible, distressing, or revolting to the moral sense; abominable, detestable; odious.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 14268 Þerfore þe bataille was merueillous, & þe slaughter more hydous.1382Wyclif Jer. xi. 15 Doth many hidous giltus [1388 greet trespassis].c1475Myrc 679 (Douce MS.) Thou shalt pronounce this idous thing With crosse & candell and bell knylling.1605Shakes. Lear i. i. 153 In thy best consideration checke This hideous rashnesse.1692Dryden St. Euremont's Ess. 351 We shall find them composed of a hideous Melancholy that makes up all Man-haters.1863Geo. Eliot Romola ii. iv, Hard speech between those who have loved is hideous in the memory.
3. absol. A frightful person or object.
c1420Awntyrs of Arth. 131 Who þat myghte þat hedows see..How hir cholle chatirede, hyr chaftis and hir chynne!
B. adv. = hideously. Obs.
1667Milton P.L. vi. 206 Nor less hideous joyn'd The horrid shock.1705W. Bosman Guinea 273 Here are..Snakes; some whereof are hideous great.




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