

单词 forebar
释义 I. forˈbar, n. Coal-mining. Obs.
[f. for- (? prefix2) + bar n.]
= barrier 1 g.
15..in N. & Q. Ser. v. X. 307 [In Durham records (34th Rep. Dep. Keeper P.R. 207) is a reference to offences committed by miners in cutting through the ‘forbarres’ when working the mines of coal and iron ore.]
II. forˈbar, foreˈbar, v. Obs.
[ad. AF. forbarrer, f. for-, for- prefix3 + barrer to bar.]
1. trans. To hinder, obstruct, prevent, prohibit (an action, event, etc.); to withhold (a thing).
a1300Cursor M. 8213 (Cott.) It es na thing þat mai for-barr his will.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 106 Handyl þy synnes..Elles forbarre þey þe blys of heune.13..Coer de L. 3514 Though he forbarre our vytayle..Off us non schal dye for hungyr.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 66 Anticrist haþ forbarrid þe fredom of goddis lawe.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 4547 Alle on strenthe þair thrist was sett, Oure batelle to forbarre.
b. To bar, barricade, confine (a person); to obstruct (a way).
c1350Will. Palerne 3333 Whi lete ȝe foulli ȝour fon for⁓barre ȝou her-inne.1435Misyn Fire of Love ii. v. 78 Þe wast wildernes the way forbarris.
2. To shut out; to bar, deprive, or exclude (a person); esp. in Law (see quot. 1607). Const. of, from, and with double object.
[1292Britton iv. ii §11 Si homage ne le forbarre.]c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 214 Tille ilk a lordyng suld ward & relefe falle, Bot tille þe kyng no þing, he was forbarred alle.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 957 A man at þe last forbard may be Of þe blisful world.c1430Lydg. Bochas vi. i. (1554) 146 b, He was forbarred..of vittayle.1574tr. Littleton's Tenures 40 b, The Lords nor none other shalbee forbarred of theire villaines.1586J. Ferne Blaz. Gentrie 103 It was prouidentlye foreseene to forbarre euery person from the wearing of that coller except the Knight.1671F. Phillips Reg. Necess. 387 The Commons did Petition the King, That none of his Subjects be fore-barred of their due debts.
absol.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 8284 Aftir Cnud regned Edwarde, Edeldrede sonn, naman forbarde.
Hence forˈbarring vbl. n., the action of the vb.
c1449Pecock Repr. iv. iii. 432 Myche forbarring of synnes, which ellis wolde come forth.1502Arnolde Chron. (1811) 287 My Lorde of Winchester..in forbarring of the Kyngis hyghwaye lete drawe the chayne of the stulpis there.




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