

单词 unregard
释义 I. unreˈgard, n.
(un-1 12.)
a1656Bp. Hall Rem. Wks. (1660) 256 When he saw a woman bowing her self forward too low in her devotion, [the cynic] could chide her for her unregard to those deities, which beheld her on all sides.1876Gd. Words 687 Worth yet shall..Outlive the death of unregard.
II. unreˈgard, v. Obs.
[un-2 3.]
trans. To disregard.
1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde Prol. C iv, Sholde men..denye or vnregard the blessyd sacrament?1600Rowlands Lett. Humours Blood 4 Carelesse of wronges, and vn⁓regarding right.1627Bp. Hall Passion Serm. 431 Not onely [hast thou]..smitten me, vn⁓regarded me, but, as it were, forgotten—yea, forsaken—me.




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