

单词 unrightful
释义 unˈrightful, a. Now rare.
[un-1 7.]
Unrighteous, unjust, wrong.
a1325Prose Psalter c. 3 Y ne sett nouȝt to-fore myn eȝen þyng vnryȝtful.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xi. 215 A rybaud þei engendrede and a gome vnryghtful.c1440Jacob's Well 285 An Heremyte ȝaf hym to ydell & vnryȝtefull thouȝtys,..for hym thouȝte þat god was vnryȝtfull.1482Monk of Evesham (Arb.) 85 The onrightful scheding of mennys blode.1545Bale Myst. Iniq. 15 Pylate the vnryghtfull iudge.a1586Sidney Astr. & Stella Sonn. v. x, A rightfull prince by unrightfull deeds a tyrant groweth.1606G. W[oodcocke] Hist. Ivstine xxii. 84 Obiecting vnto them sometime their vnrightfull entrapping of Hanno.1664More Myst. Iniq. iv. 11 Malicious or inconsiderate spirits, that..pass unrightfull censures upon what is at least allowable.
1880McCarthy Own Times IV. 336 The unrightful things that were sometimes done.




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