

单词 unscaled
释义 I. unˈscaled, a.
[un-1 9 + scale n.2]
Not furnished with scales; smooth-skinned.
1562W. Bullein Bulwarke, Bk. Simples 78 b, Vnscaled Fyshes, as Eeles, Tenches.1647Hexham i, Vnscaled, ongeschubt.
II. unˈscaled, ppl. a.1
[un-1 8 + scale v.2]
Not having the scales removed.
1585Holinshed Chron. II. Hist. Scot. 128/2 Now had the king appointed for euerie one of their chambers one man apparelled in garments pretilie deuised and made of fish skins vnskaled [L. haud desquammatis].
III. unˈscaled, ppl. a.2
[un-1 8 or un-2 8 + scale n.2]
Not darkened by scales; free or freed from scales.
1827Pollok Course T. vii. 527 Messengers Of peace,..whose eye, unscaled, Saw up the path of immortality.1844Is. Williams Baptistery xxiv. 251 We learn to look with your unscaled eyes On all things here we prize.
IV. unˈscaled, ppl. a.3
[un-1 8 + scale v.3]
1812J. Wilson Isle of Palms, etc. 373 The cliffs, In unscaled majesty, must frown no more.1860Tyndall Glac. i. ii. 21 The Weisshorn, then..unscaled.1886Pall Mall G. 6 Aug. 5/2 Vast glaciers and unscaled snowfields.




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