

单词 unshamefast
释义 unˈshamefast, a. Obs.
[un-1 7.]
Immodest: a. Of persons, the mind, heart, etc.
a1100Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 337 Impudens, unsceamfæst.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 469 Suche a bischop is raþer an unschamefast dogge þen a bischop.1382Dan. viii. 23 There shal ryse a kyng vnshamfast in face.a1470Tiptoft Orat. G. Flamineus (Caxton, 1481) f iv/2 Peradventure thou hast be prodigal unto wantone & unshamefast creatures.1535Coverdale Ecclus. xxiii. 6 An vnshamefast and obstinate mynde.1592Greene Disput., etc. 26 Take heede of her that hath an vnshamefast eye.1608Willet Hexapla Exod. 128 An hard heart..vnshamefast in euill things.
b. Of conduct, actions, etc.
c1400Found. St. Bartholomew's (1923) 49 He was nat forȝeitfull of the vnshamefaste boldnes wher that euer the mayde he sawh aloyne.1407Exam. Wm. of Thorpe Prol. (MS. Rawl. C 208), Þoruȝ her olde & her newe vnschamefast synnes.1436Rolls of Parlt. IV. 501/2 Ye grete dredeles and unshamefast Perjurie, that orriblely contynueth.a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) N n j b, Thy shame is so shamefull, and thy malyce so unshamefast, that I can not answere the.1586J. Ferne Blaz. Gentrie 63 This law..would peradventure call some backe from vnshamefast lasciuiousnes.




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