

单词 hogler
释义 ˈhoggler, hogler Obs. local.
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Occurs frequently in Churchwardens' Accts. in the s.w. of England. Bp. Hobhouse, Editor of the Croscombe Accts., in which the word occurs constantly, explains it as ‘A field labourer of the lowest class’.
1465Churchw. Acc. Tintinhull (Som. Rec. Soc.) 190 Et de Willelmo Warefull et Iohanne Trent de hogelers light hoc anno..xxijd.1474Churchw. Acc. Croscombe (ibid.) 3 Comes the Webers and bryng in their stoke xijd... Comes tokers and bryngs in their stoke xijd... Comes Hoglers and bryngs in there stoke ijs, and more encrece xd. summa ijs. xd.1476Ibid. 4 Comes the Hogglers, and presents in of old and new..iijs. xd...and they received ayen for a stoke..ijs. Comes the maydens and bryng in of encres cler ixd.1516Ibid. 34 The maidens, young men, hoglers, tokers, and the pascale xxxvijs. jd.
So ˈhoggling (also hokelyng), the practice or action of the hogglers; also attrib. hoggling-money, the contribution of the hogglers to the parish chest; hoggling-light, app. a light (in the church) maintained by the hogglers: cf. quot. 1465 above.
1498Churchw. Acc. Pilton (Som. Rec. Soc.) 65 Item receved of hoglyng money of our lady wardens vjs.1510Ibid. 57 Item for Issabell Man for hokelyng lyȝghte ijd.Ibid. 59 The Dettes that remayneth the said yere: Item Iohn Elyns for hokelyng a yere and a half.1511Ibid. 63 Item Iohn Elyns for hoggelyng lyght ijs.1516Churchw. Acc. St. Michael's, Bath (ibid.) 229 Venditio et incrementum forin-secum de la Hogeling.1612Churchw. Acc. Cheddar in N. & Q. 3rd Ser. III. 423 Received for the Hogling monie, ixl. xiijs. iiijd.1626Churchw. Acc. Dursley, Gloucestersh. in Scott. Antiq. (1890) June 40 For hoggling 19s. 5d.




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