

单词 unslow
释义 unˈslow, a. Obs.
[OE. unsláw (un-1 7).]
Not slow; active, quick, swift.
In Beowulf 2564 the emendation unslaw has been suggested for the MS. reading unglaw.
c1000ælfric Saints' Lives xxv. 375 Hi sloᵹon þa togædere unslawe mid wæpnum.a1023Wulfstan Hom. x. (1883) 72 Se ðe wære full slaw, weorðe se unslaw to cyrican.1382Wyclif Prov. vi. 11 If forsothe vnsloȝ thou shul be, shal come as a welle thi rip.c1400Destr. Troy 908 The dragon..gird him agayne with a grym noyse: Mony slecynges vnslogh throughe hys slote yode.1483Cath. Angl. 343/2 Vn Slawe, vbi wyghte.




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