

单词 unsodden
释义 unˈsodden, ppl. a.
[OE. unsoden (un-1 8 b), = MDu. ongesoden (Du. -zoden), OHG. unca-, unkisotan (MHG. ungesoten, G. ungesotten), MSw. osudhin, MDa. usaaden, Da. usoden in sense 1.]
1. Unboiled, uncooked.
c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 38 Sceapes hohscancan unsodenne tobrec, ᵹedo þæt mearh on þa eaᵹan.1511Fabyan Will in Chron. (1815) p. v, If my said monethes mynde fall in Lent, or upon a fysshe day, than I will that the said .xxiiij. peces of fleshe be altered unto saltfyche or stokfyshe, unwatered and unsodeyn.1571Golding Calvin on Ps. lviii. 10 Like unsodden flesh, and such as hathe scarce yit felt the first warmth of the fyre.1608Willet Hexapla Exod. 247 The manna..was raw and vnsodden.
2. Not sodden or soaked. Also fig.
1818Shelley Eugan. Hills 295 The plains that silent lie Underneath; the leaves unsodden.1859Meredith R. Feverel xxii, A non-dancing, stout-dining congregation, in the midst of which a gay young guardsman..would not have obtruded his unsodden spirit.




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