

单词 unwatched
释义 unˈwatched, ppl. a.
(un-1 8.)
c1425Wyntoun Cron. iv. v. 499 All vnwachit sodanely Thai fell on sleip.1548Udall Erasm. Par. Luke iv. 41 b, Of all these dooeth our enemie leaue not one thyng vn⁓watched, whereby he maie drawe vs to damnacion.1593Donne Sat. ii. 98 But when he sells or changes land, he impaires His writings, and (unwatch'd) leaves out ses heires.1602Shakes. Ham. iii. i. 197 Madnesse in great Ones, must not vnwatch'd go.1795Coleridge Silver Thimble 49 And I from unwatch'd needle's erring point Had surely suffer'd on each finger-joint Those wounds.1812Crabbe Tales xi. 458 Rarely from town, nor then unwatch'd, he goes.1850Tennyson In Mem. ci, Unwatch'd, the garden bough shall sway.1870Bryant Iliad i. I. 30 Thou ever dost suspect me, Nor can I act unwatched.




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