

单词 unwine
释义 unˈwine Obs.
[OE. unwine (un-1 4 b), = ON. and Icel. ú-, óvinr (Norw. uvin, MSw. ovin, Sw. ovän, (M)Da. uven).]
An enemy or foe.
1050Will in Thorpe Charters 584 Ᵹif ic onᵹen ne cume, þat þu it nefre ne let weldon mine unwinan after me.c1100O.E. Chron. (MS. D) an. 1075, Þæt he mihte..his unwinan unþancas don.c1175Lamb. Hom. 53 Þos men þe þus to⁓draȝed heore euencristene bi-hinden..beoð cristes unwines.c1200Ormin 19838 Þatt time þatt Herode wass Unnwine wiþþ Filippe.a1225Leg. Kath. 1221 Eð were ure lauerd..to awarpen his unwine.
b. spec. The Evil One. (So MSw. ovin.)
a1225Ancr. R. 178 Þet te Holi Gost ledde ure Louerd into onliche stude..for to beon itempted of þe unwine, of helle.a1225Juliana 35 Were me swa wið þen vnwine;..þet þu beo..iheiet eaure in eorðe.a1240Ureison in O.E. Hom. I. 197 Ne þole þu þene unwine þet he me arine.




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