

单词 unworship
释义 I. unˈworship, n.1 Obs.
[OE. unweorþscipe (un-1 12).]
1. Absence of honour, respect, or reverence; dishonour; disgrace.
In frequent use from c 1400 to c 1450.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxvii. §2 Hwæþer þu nu mæᵹe onᵹitan hu micelne unweorðscipe se anwald brengð þam unmedeman ᵹif he hine underfehð?c1200Vices & Virtues 53 For ðare unwurscipe ðe me nimð hit al swa unwurðliche swa me nimð ðat bread (of ðæ borde).13..Guy Warw. (A.) 1857 Unworþschip it wer to me, Ȝif y schuld iusti wiþ þe.a1395Hylton Scala Perf. ii. ii. (Bodl. MS.), Þe trespas and þe vnworschip was endeles greet.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode ii. xvii. (1869) 81 Wurshipe,..what seyst thou? the unwurshipe is thine.c1440Jacob's Well 165 Ȝif þou sodaynly..brekyst out woordys of vnworschype to god.a1470H. Parker Dives & Pauper (W. de W. 1496) iv. i. 160/2 Thus for scornyng & vnworshyp that the sone dyde to the fader began fyrste boundage.
2. An act or instance of disgrace or dishonour; a slight. rare.
c1200Vices & Virtues 97 After maniȝe unwurðscipes ðe he for me hier þolede.1387–8T. Usk Test. Love i. v. (Skeat) l. 24 Why, than,..suffre ye such wrong..? Me semeth, to you it is a greet unworship.
II. unˈworship, n.2 rare—1.
[un-1 12 + worship n.]
Lack or absence of divine worship.
1860Pusey Min. Proph. 75 All half-belief is unbelief; all half-repentance unrepentance, all half-worship is unworship.
III. unˈworship, v. Obs.
[un-2 3.]
trans. To deprive of honour or dignity; to treat with indignity, disrespect, or irreverence. Also refl.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 462 Men seyen þat þe pope wole biclippe worldly worchip, & not trewe men for goddis sake, lest he vnworchipe hym silf.1387–8T. Usk Test. Love ii. vi. (Skeat) l. 125 Yet is he worthy, for shrewdnesse, to be unworshipped.a1425tr. Arderne's Treat. Fistula, etc. 75 Þerfor it schal noȝt vnworschip [overlined ne schame] a lech for to spede profitabily with fewer þings and liȝter.c1450Mirk's Festial i. 87 Þe lest synne þat a man doth, hyt vnworshypyth God.a1470H. Parker Dives & Pauper (W. de W. 1496) ii. i. 110/2 Graunte vs grace no thynge to do..wherby thy name sholde be vnworshyped or ashamed in vs.
Hence unˈworshipping vbl. n. Obs.
1382Wyclif Ecclus i. 38 Lest parauenture thou falle, and bringe to thi soule vnwrsheping [L. inhonorationem].c1400Love Bonavent. Mirr. (1908) 154 The cause was for the gostly fire of his zele,..for the vnworschippynge of his fader.c1450Myrr. our Ladye 208 The vnworshypynge and offense of god.




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