

单词 hydrolysis
释义 hydrolysis|haɪˈdrɒlɪsɪs|
[f. Gr. ὕδωρ, ὑδρο- water + λύσις dissolving, f. λύειν to dissolve.]
Any reaction in which a bond is broken by the agency of water and the hydrogen and hydroxyl of the water become independently attached to the two atoms previously linked; the decomposition or splitting of a compound in this way. Also applied to the analogous decomposition of an organic compound by the action of an acid or alkali, and to any reaction between a water molecule and an ion that produces a hydrogen or hydroxyl ion.
1880H. E. Armstrong Introd. Study Org. Chem. (ed. 2) 190 note, Decompositions like those of starch into dextrose, of cane-sugar into dextrose and levulose..which involve the fixation of the elements of water, may all be said to be the result of hydrolysis, and those substances which, like sulphuric acid, diastase, emulsin, etc., induce hydrolysis, may be termed hydrolytic agents or hydrolysts. The substance hydrolysed is the hydrolyte. The mere fixation of the elements of water unaccompanied by decomposition..may be termed hydration in contradistinction.1890Athenæum 27 Dec. 893/1 Other processes..already in constant use on very large scales..[are] bromination and chlorination, nitration, sulphonation with its concomitant hydrolysis.1894McGowan tr. Bernthsen's Org. Chem. 84 By saponification or hydrolysis of their ethers.1900Perkin & Kipping Org. Chem. (rev. ed.) x. 188 All ethereal salts are decomposed by water, mineral acids, and alkalies, the change..being spoken of as hydrolysis... CH3·COOC3H7 + KOH = CH3·COOK + C3H7·OH.1935R. H. A. Plimmer in Harrow & Sherwin Textbk. Biochem. v. 155 Hydrolysis of proteins to the amino acids is effected by boiling with acids, or alkalis, or by the action of the enzyme trypsin.1938C. D. Hurd in H. Gilman Org. Chem. I. vii. 617 In reactions in which the C{b1}N bond is severed by hydrolysis, it is universally characteristic for the nitrogen to attract the hydrogen of water, and carbon the oxygen or hydroxyl.1948Glasstone Textbk. Physical Chem. (ed. 2) xii. 986 The hydrolysis must then be represented by M(H2O)n+ + H2O{equil}H3O+ + M(H2O)n-1OH.1950P. J. Durrant Org. Chem. xxix. 447 Many of the chemical reactions occurring in fermentation and in the metabolism of living organisms are hydrolyses.1951Kirk & Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol. VII. 741 The reaction of a nitrile with water to form an amide CH3CN + H2O→CH3CONH2 is thought of as a hydrolysis, although it is also a hydration.1964N. G. Clark Mod. Inorg. Chem. xi. 201 Hydrolysis [of nitriles] may be effected either by hot mineral acids..or by hot alkali... CH3·CN + 2H2O + HCl→CH3·COOH + NH4Cl... CH3·CN + H2O + NaOH→CH3·COONa + NH3.
So ˈhydrolyst [cf. analyst], a hydrolytic agent; hydrolyte [Gr. λυτός that may be dissolved], a body subjected to hydrolysis.
See quot. 1880 above.




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