

单词 upsty
释义 I. upsty, n. Obs.—1
[Cf. next and OE. upstiᵹe, OHG. ûfstîc, ON. upp-stiga.]
Ascension (of Christ).
c1300Cursor M. 20831 (Edin.), Aftir þe upsteich [Cott. vpstei, Gött. vpsti] of þat driȝtine.
II. upˈsty, v. Obs.
Forms: 1 upstiᵹan, 3–4 vpstiyhe, 5 up-stiȝe, vpsty; 3–4 vpsteghe, vpstei, 4 upstey, 4–5 vpstey.
[OE. upstíᵹan (up- 4), = WFris. opstige, MDu. opstigen (Du. opstijgen), OHG. ûfstîgan (G. aufsteigen), ON. uppstíga (MSw. up-, opstigha, Sw. uppstiga, Da. opstige).]
intr. To rise or mount up; to ascend.
a900Cynewulf Crist 464 æerþon upstiᵹe ancenned sunu.c1000Ags. Gosp. John i. 51 Ᵹe ᵹeseoð..Godes englas up⁓stiᵹende & nyþer-stiᵹende ofer mannes sunu.a1300E.E. Psalter ciii. 9 Vpsteghes hilles, and feldes doun gas.a1300Cursor M. 203 How he [sc. Christ] vprais, how he vpstey, Many man on stad and sey.1382Wyclif Gen. xxxii. 26 Leeue me, forsothe now vpsteyeth the morewetide.c1400Love Bonavent. Mirr. iii. (Gibbs & Sherard MSS.), Þe syght of hier sone myghtyly to heuene upstyynge.
Hence upˈstying vbl. n. Obs.
a1300E.E. Psalter ciii. 3 [He] Þat settes þin vpsteghing kloude [v.r. upstiying þine þe kloude].a1325Prose Psalter lxxxviii. 18 Our vp-steiȝeing ys of our Lord.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 86 After good constellacioun of þe mone, & his remuynge fro nusant sterrys, and his prosperyte of his vpstiyng.c1450Mirk's Festial i. 152 Yn þys vpsteyng þat ys callet þe assencyon.




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