

单词 hysteria
释义 hysteria|hɪˈstɪərɪə|
[mod. medical L., formed as abstract n. to hysteric. Cf. F. hystérie (1812 in Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. Path. A functional disturbance of the nervous system, characterized by such disorders as anæsthesia, hyperæsthesia, convulsions, etc., and usually attended with emotional disturbances and enfeeblement or perversion of the moral and intellectual faculties. (Also called colloquially hysterics.)
Women being much more liable than men to this disorder, it was originally thought to be due to a disturbance of the uterus and its functions: cf. hysteric and the Ger. term mutterweh. Former names for the disease were vapours and hysteric(al) passion.
1801Med. Jrnl. V. 14 Account of Diseases in an Eastern District of London... Chronic Diseases... Hysteria.1811Hooper Med. Dict. s.v., Hiccup is a symptom which attends, in some instances, on hysteria; and now and then it happens, that a fit of hysteria consists of this alone.1866–80A. Flint Princ. Med. (ed. 5) 832 The name hysteria, as commonly used, embraces a multiplicity of morbid phenomena.1874Carpenter Ment. Phys. i. ii. §75 (1879) 79 Hysteria; a state of the Nervous system which is characterized by its peculiar excitability, but in which there is no such fixed tendency to irregular action as would indicate any positive disease.
2. transf. and fig. Morbidly excited condition; unhealthy emotion or excitement.
1839Poe Wks. (1884) I. 132 (Stanf.) An evidently restrained hysteria in his whole demeanour.1877Morley Crit. Misc. Ser. ii. 256 Those of us who dislike literary hysteria.1897F. N. Maude Volunt. v. Compuls. Serv. 119 A wave of humanitarian hysteria capable of wrecking any Government we have ever had.




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