

单词 alterate
释义 I. ˈalterate, ppl. a. Obs.
[ad. late L. alterāt-us pa. pple. of alter-āre to alter.]
= altered.
c1450Henryson Test. Cres. 195 (R.) She was dissimulate..And sodainly chaunged and alterate.1470Harding Chron. cvi, With sickenes he was so alterate He dyed then.1531Elyot Governour ii. ix. (R.) His excellent lawes beinge stablyshed shulde never be alterate.
II. ˈalterate, v. Obs.
[f. prec., or on analogy of vbs. so formed.]
A by-form of alter.
c1475Pol. Poems II. 287 That theyre pover levyng..May be altratyd unto welth.1530Palsgr. 421/1, I alterate, I alter, I chaunge, Je altere.1549Chaloner tr. Erasm. Moriæ Enc. T ij b, Those holy men shall be altogether transformed and alterated.a1618Sylvester Myst. Mysterie 24 (1880) II. 316 No outward Force..Can Thy drad Essence alterate.1655Culpeper Riverius vii. i. 152 Expectorating Medicines, and the rest are to be alterated for the same reason.1693W. Robertson Phraseol. Gen., To Alter, alterate or change.




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