

单词 vegeto-
释义 vegeto-|ˈvɛdʒɪtəʊ|
irregular combining form of the L. stem veget-, used in the sense of ‘vegetable and..’ or ‘having a vegetable origin’. a. With adjs., as vegeto-alkaline, vegeto-animal, vegeto-bituminous, vegeto-carbonaceous, vegeto-mineral, vegeto-sulphuric, etc.
Cf. F. végéto-animal, -minéral, -sulfurique.
1833Penny Cycl. I. 80/1 The *vegeto-alkaline acetates..are decomposed.
1799Anderson Recreations I. 267 Hairs, spines, feathers, &c., are all *vegeto-animal productions.1842Loudon Suburban Hort. 65 Composts of vegetable or vegeto-animal matter and earth are of various kinds.1876tr. Schützenberger's Fermentation 34 The matter which decomposes sugar is a vegeto-animal substance.
1796Kirwan Elem. Min. (ed. 2) II. 40 By Inflammable substances I understand all those of Mineral Origin whose principal character is Inflammability... Of these the simplest kinds may be reduced to six Genera, namely the Aeriform, the Bituminous, Carbonaceous, *Vegeto-Carbonaceous, *Vegeto-Bituminous, and the Sulphureous.
1776Percival Ess. III. 247 Each ounce, therefore, of the *vegeto-mineral water contains only four tenths of a grain of this metal.1785Med. Comm. II. 31 A poultice with Goulard's vegeto mineral extract had been..prescribed.1857Bullock tr. Cazeaux's Midwifery 25 Some of the vegeto-mineral lotions are usually sufficient to cause their [i.e. carbuncles] disappearance.
1838T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 654 Some *vegeto-sulphuric acid is formed at the same time.
b. With ns., as vegeto-alkali, vegeto-alkaloid, vegeto-mineral, vegeto-principle, vegeto-veratrine, etc.
1830Lindley Nat. Syst. Bot. 205 Dr. Sertürner has obtained some other *vegeto-alkalies from Cinchona.1844Fownes Chem. 478 The vegeto-alkalis, or alkaloids, constitute a remarkable, and at present isolated, group of bodies.c1865J. Wylde in Circ. Sci. I. 416/1 An account of the vegeto-alkalies.
1887A. M. Brown Anim. Alkaloids 60 The means of distinguishing the *vegeto-alkaloid.
1839Ure Dict. Arts 40 The most interesting fact relative to this *vegeto-mineral is its geological position.
1830Amer. Jrnl. Sci. XVII. 385 M. Dulong has obtained a particular *vegeto-principle from the roots of Plumbago Europæa.
1887A. M. Brown Anim. Alkaloids 59 The *vegeto-veratrine does not reduce the ferricyanide.




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