

单词 immodesty
释义 immodesty|ɪˈmɒdɪstɪ|
[ad. L. immodestia, f. im- (im-2) + modestia modesty. Cf. F. immodestie (1564 J. Thierry).]
Want of modesty.
1. Excess of self-assertion or pretension; arrogance, forwardness; impudence.
1605Play Stucley in Simpson Sch. Shaks. (1878) I. 161 Count it not in me immodesty To love the man whom heaven appointed for me.1651Baxter Inf. Bapt. 214, I thought it would seem meer pride and immodesty in me to send Arguments to you.1681–6J. Scott Chr. Life (1747) III. 635 To expose the great Immodesty of Crellius, who..will needs persuade the World, that by the Word in the Chaldee Paraphrase is no where meant a Person.1869Ruskin Q. of Air §137 It belongs to all immodesty to defy or deny law, and assert privilege and license.1893Independent (N.Y.) 19 Oct., I may without immodesty say [etc.].
b. In wider sense: Want of moderation or restraint. Obs. rare.
1665Manley Grotius' Low. C. Warres 69 By his cruelty towards Priests, and all other kinds of immodesty.
2. Want of the sense of decorum or decency; impropriety, indelicacy; unchastity.
1597Daniel Civ. Wars viii. (R.), She shames to think that ought within her face Should breed th' opinion of immodesty.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 182 Never regarding they were naked;..I wondred..at their immodesty.1685Baxter Paraphr. N.T., 1 Pet. iv. 3 We did too long live..in immodesties..and in excess of wine.1859Tennyson Enid 960 It seem'd an easier thing At once..to strike her dead, Than to cry ‘Halt’, and to her own bright face Accuse her of the least immodesty.




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