

单词 improvisatore
释义 improvisatore, -provvisatore|improvvizaˈtore|
Pl. -ori |-ori|, also -ores.
[It. improvvisatore, formerly improvisatore ‘an extempore-sayer’ (Florio), agent-n. from improv(v)isare to improvise.
(The non-etymological doubling of the v is a matter of mod. Italian phonetic spelling not generally followed in Eng.)]
An improvisator (Italian or of the Italian type).
1765Smollett Trav. (1766) II. xxvii. 56 One of the greatest curiosities you meet with in Italy, is the improvisatore; such is the name given to certain individuals, who have the surprising talent of reciting verses extempore, on any subject you propose.1785Europ. Mag. VII. 300 Metastasio..was at his outset an improvisatore, or extempore poet.1817Byron Beppo xxxiii, He patronised the Improvisatori..Wrote rhymes, sang songs, could also tell a story.1824Juan xv. xx, Just as I feel the ‘Improvvisatore’.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. I. 370 The Eumolpus of Petronius..fills up the only link required to complete the analogy between the classical and the modern improvvisatori.1888J. Inglis Tent Life Tigerland 234 The musicians..improvisatores, reciters of ancient legends.
attrib.1800Southey Poet. Wks. (1853) 213/1, I do not wish the improvisatorè tune.1851J. H. Newman Cath. in Eng. viii. 302 The extempore and improvisatore mode of fabricating and fabling against us.




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