

单词 versle
释义 ˈversle, v. Obs. rare.
Also 3 uerslen, uersalien, 4 versail.
[ad. OF. verseiller, -sailler, -seller, etc.:—L. type *versiculāre, f. L. versiculus versicle n.]
intr. To say or sing versicles or verses of the Psalms, esp. during Divine Office. Also trans.
a1225Ancr. R. 44 Mid him ne schule ȝe nouðer uerslen ne singen þet he hit muwe iheren.Ibid. 120 Þauh heo uersalie, & sigge hire vres, & hire Pater nosters.a1325Prose Psalter c. 1 Lord, y shal synge mercy and iugement to þe; y shal versail and vnderstonde in wai unfiled.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 16472 Þys salme þey songe, & versled hit al wyþ o tonge.
Hence ˈversling vbl. n. Obs.
a1225Ancr. R. 44 Verslunge of hire sautere; redinge of Englichs, oðer of Freinchs; holi meditaciuns.




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