

单词 villainsly
释义 ˈvillainsly, adv. Obs.
Forms: (see prec.).
[f. prec.]
= villainly adv., villainously adv.
αa1366Chaucer Rom. Rose 1498 That he shulde feele..What sorowe trewe louers maken, That ben so velaynesly forsaken.c1386Pars. T. ⁋12 Than was his visage..vileynsly byspit.c1400Love Bonavent. Mirr. (1908) 225 Ȝit was hir sorwe moche more, seynge hir maister and lorde so vileynsly ferde with.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode ii. c. (1869) 112 Thou shalt neuere keepe thee so wel, that thou ne shalt be vileynesliche treted.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 47 Thai war discomfyte rycht vilaynsly.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 191/3 Whan they had so vylaynsly beten hym they put hym out of the cyte.
β1388Wyclif 2 Sam. x. 5 The men weren schent ful vilensly.a1400Cast. Love (Halliwell) 1628 How vylensli he wes ladde ȝet, With crowne of thornes on his hed set.c1425Wyntoun Cron. iv. 165 Þat þe commonys willansly Grewit sulde be throw þar mastry.Ibid. v. 1676 Þat he..had supprysit hyr welansly.1460J. Capgrave Chron. (Rolls) 233 Thei that were his rebelles he killid vilensly.1470–85Malory Arthur x. liii. 503 Whanne syre Harre sawe hym doo so vyloynsly, he cryed traytour knyȝt leue of for shame.1487Barbour's Bruce v. 164 Thai nobill men and thai worthy Ar distroyit so vilonisly!c1500Gest Robyn Hode cxiii. in Child Ballads III. 62 The abbot lothely on hym gan loke, And vylanesly hym gan call.




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