

单词 infame
释义 I. inˈfame, n.1 Obs.
Also 4 enfame.
[a. OF. infame, enfame:—late L. infāmium (Isidore v. xxxvii. 26) = L. infāmia infamy.]
= infamy.
1387–8T. Usk Test. Love i. vi. (Skeat) l. 6 Comenly the people wol lye and bringe aboute soche enfame.Ibid. 49 But infame that goeth alwaie tofore, and praising worship by any cause folowyng after, maketh to rise thilke honour, in double of wealth, and that quencheth the spotte of the firste enfame.1413Hoccleve Piteous Compl. Soul 258 Yit am I nought of this oppinion, To couere so be excusacion Of this infame, the malise of my synne.1570Satir. Poems Reform. x. 131 Than come dishonour and Infame, our fais, And brocht in ane to reule with raggit clais.1616J. Lane Contn. Sqr.'s T. xi. 74 And conscient fault thear wears owne willfull shame, Wheare reason playd false to right iust infame.
II. inˈfame, a. (n.2) Obs.
[a. F. infâme (1356 in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. infām-is of ill fame, infamous, f. in- (in-3) + fāma fame, report.]
= infamous.
1555–86Satir. Poems Reform. xxxvi. 124 That fals and degenerat seid Of Douglassis fals, wratchit, and infame.a1572Knox Hist. Ref. i. Wks. 1846 I. 81 Whosoever war produced for witnesses war admitted, how suspitious and infame that ever thei ware.1609Skene Reg. Maj. Table 82 Infame persones are all they quha are convicted of perjurie, vpon ane Assise.Ibid., He is infame, quha reveales the secret of the gilde.a1711Ken Hymns Festiv. Poet. Wks. 1721 I. 274 Long had the Galilæan Name Been reprobated and infame.a1734North Exam. i. iii. §34 (1740) 142 A scandalous, infame State Libel.
B. n. [absol. use of adj. as in Fr.] An infamous person; one branded with infamy.
1550Bale Eng. Votaries ii. K iv, He shoulde be..made an infame or be put to the open reproch of all men.
III. infame, v. arch.|ɪnˈfeɪm|
Also 5–6 enfame.
[a. F. infame-r, ad. L. infāmāre to render infamous, f. infāmis: see prec.]
1. trans. To render infamous; to brand with infamy or dishonour; to hold up to infamy; to reprobate. arch.
1413Hoccleve Piteous Compl. Soul 252 Thi sone him banysshed from heuen blisse, as for enfamed; he and alle his.c1477Caxton Jason 10 Shal I murder Jason..nay..for treuly for as moche as I sholde be enfamed.1577–87Holinshed Chron. I. 66/2 Because he..somewhat persecuted the christians, he was infamed by writers.1598R. Barckley Felic. Man iii. (1603) 271 Quintus Hortensius..is infamed by historians, because he looked in a glasse when he made him ready.a1718Penn Tracts Wks. 1726 I. 611 This inhuman Practice will infame your Government.1826C. Butler Vind. Bk. Rom. Cath. Ch. 116 Why then do you infame Doctor Lingard for his not mentioning it?Ibid. 127 If we are to be infamed, let it be by the production of facts.1897Creighton Papacy V. vi. v. 147 He infamed good works as though they were not meritorious.
2. To spread an ill report of; to defame. Obs.
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 181/2 She that enfamed the servaunte of god was taken and vexyd wyth a deuyl.1529More Dyaloge i. 19 a/2 No such faynyd wonders shulde enfame goddes very myracles.a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) Ll vij b, To the entente to couer their owne infamy, they infame all other that bee good.1604T. Wright Passions v. §4. 279 If the Iudge or Iustice of peace infame any person called before them vniustly, the iniury is almost doubled.
3. To accuse of something infamous. Obs.
1531Elyot Gov. ii. vii, Infamynge hym to be a man without charitie.1536Rem. Sedition 8 Is there any nation, that hath been more enfamed of barbarous conditions, than the Scythes?1550Bale Eng. Votaries ii. L vj b, She was afore that, infamed of lyghte conuersacyon.1571Campion Hist. Irel. ii. vi. (1633) 87 Hee infamed the said Prior, as an abettour and favourer of Arnolds heresie.1797R. Burn's Eccl. Law (ed. 6) III. 275 Ecclesiastical judges shall not compel any to come to purgation at the suggestion of their apparitors, unless they be infamed by grave and good men.
Hence inˈfaming vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1535E. Harvel in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. II. 74 The infaming of our Nacion with the vehementist words they cowde use.1599Jas. I βασιλ. Δωρον (1682) 25 The infaming and making odious of the parent is the readiest way to bring the sonne in contempt.1611Cotgr., Charivaris,..an infamous (or infaming) ballade sung by an armed troupe vnder the window.




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