

单词 innerly
释义 I. innerly, a. Obs. exc. Sc. dial.|ˈɪnəlɪ|
Forms: see inner a.
[f. inner a. + -ly1; cf. MHG. inner(c)lîch (G. innerlich), MDu. innerlijk.]
1. Inner, interior; inward, internal.
1434Misyn Mending Life 118 Of þe inhirliest mergh of our hartis sall rise þe lufe of god.1435Fire of Love 39 Gostely gladnes & inhirly myrth.Ibid. 70 Syngand ful fare fro vtward melody to ful inhirly I ha flowne.1825–80Jamieson, Innerlie,..situated in the interior of a country.
b. Intimate.
1866J. Brown Horæ Subs. Ser. iii. 286 (Cent.) So mature, so large, and so innerly was his knowledge [etc.].
2. ‘Kindly, affectionate, possessing sensibility or compassion’ (Jam.).
1824Mactaggart Gallovid. Encycl., Innerly hearted, of a feeling disposition.1825–80Jamieson s.v., ‘She's an innerlie’ or ‘a very innerlie creature’.
3. In-lying, not exposed; hence, ‘Fertile: applied to land’ (Jam.).
1868Life Hugh Elliott ii. 73 We live on a drier soil and in a more ‘innerlie’ country.
Hence ˈinnerliness, intimacy, closeness.
1888Mrs. E. Lynn Linton in Pall Mall G. 2 Oct. 5/1 It was a friendship without the ‘innerliness’ of true cordiality.
II. ˈinnerly, adv. Obs. or rare.
Forms: see inner a.
[f. inner a. + -ly2; cf. MHG. innerlîche (Ger. innerlich), MDu. innerlike (Du. innerlijk).]
1. More within (obs.); inwardly, internally.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 3195 Sche tremblede and sykede inderly [v.r. inerly].1390Gower Conf. I. 227 Whan she wist it inderly.1435Misyn Fire of Love 39 With flaume of fyre I am inhirly byrnd.1555Abp. Parker Ps. xlv. 133 They shall full nye be brought to hym..In palace there: most innerly, where kyng hymselfe doth lay.1617Moryson Itin. iii. 154 Then towards Murrey Frith..more innerly is the Gulfe Vararis.1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 27 'Tis given out that ghost, as well as the substance of body innerly, is such a thing, as is alwaies the same as much as God is.1851S. Judd Margaret ii. i. 198 A bunch of the white hardhack, a cream-like flower, innerly blushing.1917D. H. Lawrence Look! We have come Through! 50, I have been so innerly proud, and so long alone, Do not leave me, or I shall break.1923Ladybird 81 If you are true to me, innerly, innerly true, he will not hurt us.
2. Earnestly; intensely, extremely. Obs.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 10843 Arþures folk..bysoughte God inderly [v.r. interly] To graunt Arþur þe maistri.1382Wyclif Isa. xxxiv. 6 The swerd of the Lord fulfild is of blod, innerly fattid it is with talȝ of blod of lombis.c1440Generydes 675 For certeyne she was right inderly fayre.




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