

单词 intervene
释义 I. intervene, v.|ɪntəˈviːn|
Also 7 entervene, interveyn, Sc. -vein.
[ad. L. interven-īre, f. inter between + venīre to come. Cf. F. intervenir (earlier entrevenir, 1363 in Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. intr. To come in as something extraneous, in the course of some action, state of things, etc.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. i. iv. §1 Those errours and vanities, which haue interueyned amongst the studies themselues of the learned.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. iii. viii. 122 When during the discourse the partie or subject interveneth, and there ensueth a sudden silence, it is usually said, Lupus est in fabulâ.1667Milton P.L. ix. 222 For while so near each other thus all day Our task we choose, what wonder if so near Looks intervene and smiles.1799Wordsw. Ruth xxiv, In his worst pursuits..sometimes there did intervene Pure hopes of high intent.1825Scott Talism. i, Labour and danger were doomed to intervene ere the horse or horseman reached the desired spot.
2. Of an event or occurence: To happen or take place between other events, or between certain points in time; to occur in the meanwhile.
a1610J. Sempill in S. Ballatis (1872) 242 Suche strange events hes interveinit sensyne That I dare not avow [etc.].1730A. Gordon Maffei's Amphith. 81 Some of which were upon a certain Occasion, which then interven'd, destroyed.1784New Spectator No. 20. 4/2 It so intervened, that Capt. T― was left, unprotected, to the three heroes.1824Lamb Elia Ser. ii. Poor Relation, Some argument had intervened between them.1850Carlyle Latter-d. Pamph. iii. 12 If some cleaning of the Augis stable have not intervened for a long while.
3. Of a person, party, or state: To come between in action; to interfere, interpose; also, to act as intermediary; to take a share in (obs.).
1646J. Hall Horæ Vac. 193 These Inventions are most quick..and full of life, wherein there doe not intervene any other persons but mortall.1669Temple Wks. (1731) II. 197 In all the Negotiations where he has intervened for eight or nine Months past.1750Carte Hist. Eng. II. 88 When his own brother..came to intervene in the affair with very unbecoming menaces.1846Trench Mirac. xxix. (1862) 396 He intervenes with mighty help, but not till every other help..has seemed utterly to have failed.1874Green Short Hist. ix. §7. 664 A formal invitation to William to intervene in arms..was signed by these leaders.1880J. F. Bright Hist. Eng. III. (1884) 1397 It was necessary that England should intervene with clean hands, and as the friend of both parties [Greece and Turkey].1883Wharton's Law Lex. (ed. 7) 429 The Queen's proctor, or any other person, may intervene in any suit, for the dissolution of marriage, on the ground that the parties have been guilty of collusion, or that material facts have been suppressed.
b. Of a thing: To come in or between so as to affect, modify, or prevent a result, action, etc.
1649Bp. Hall Cases Consc. iv. vi. 458 Many things may intervene betwixt this engagement..and that full and compleate solemnization, which may breake off the match.1671R. Bohun Wind 54 The motions of Winds..are..in right lines; if nothing intervene to check and retard their course.1744S. Fielding David Simple (ed. 2) II. 125 People who let their Pride intervene with their Tenderness{ddd}to make them quarrel with their Friends.1828D'Israeli Chas. I, II. xi. 285 Between our intentions and our practices, our little and our great passions may intervene.1873M. Arnold Lit. & Dogma (1876) 178 The materialising conceptions of the writer do yet evidently intervene..to hinder a perfectly faithful mirroring of the thought of Jesus.
4. a. Of a thing: To be placed or situated locally between other things; to come or lie between.
c1709[see intervening below].1728Dyer Grongar Hill 43 No clouds, no vapours intervene.1799Kirwan Geol. Ess. 55 Distant climates, betwixt which and Siberia mountains above nine thousand feet high intervene.1859Kingsley Misc. (1860) I. 229 Between the next two cantos intervenes the well known cradle song.1882Dana Elem. Geol. ii. 206 Beds of shale in many places intervene.
b. Of space or time: To extend or lie between places or events.
1621Ld.-Kpr. Williams in Fortescue P. (Camden) 165 The intervening of eight dayes well permitting that the Certificate may bee brought from Exeter.a1732Atterbury Serm. Matt. xxvii. 25 (Seager) A greater tract of time than intervened from the first building of their temple by Solomon to its final destruction by Titus.1837Whewell Hist. Induct. Sc. (1857) I. 140 The vast spaces which intervene between the celestiall luminaries.1860Tyndall Glac. i. xxiv. 175 Scarcely five minutes..intervened between every two successive peals.
5. trans. To come between; to intercept; to interfere with; to prevent, hinder. Obs.
1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. H j, Pape pius quintus..being interueneit by daith, left ye same to pape gregore his successor to be accompleseit.1651W. G. tr. Cowel's Inst. 234 So as there are fifteen dayes intervene each Writ.1658–9Burton's Diary (1828) III. 232 Nothing ought to intervene a fundamental order of the House.1839De Quincey Recoll. Lakes, Grasmere Wks. 1863 II. 2 Woodlands of birch..and hazel, that meander through the valley, intervening the different estates with natural sylvan marches.
Hence interˈvening vbl. n.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. viii. §2 Many parts of nature can neither be inuented..nor demonstrated..without the aide and interueyning of the Mathematicks.1665Boyle Occas. Refl. iv. iii. (1848) 184 Prevented by the intervening of Eusebius.
II. [intervene n.
in J. (whence in later dicts.), founded on an obvious misprint for interview in one of its 17th c. spellings.




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