

单词 intimation
释义 intimation|ɪntɪˈmeɪʃən|
[a. F. intimation (1394 in Godef. Compl.), ad. late L. intimātiōn-em (in med.L. spec. judicial notification), n. of action from intimāre to intimate.]
1. The action of intimating, making known, or announcing; formal notification or announcement; formerly, declaration (of war).
1442–3Rec. Coldingham Priory (Surtees) 148 Discorde heirupon raysit..I made til hym intimacion of my richts be ȝour lettres.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 174 The defiaunce, dooen by your Herault as a paremptory intimacion of warre.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 1316 They made an edict, with an intimation, that whosoever killed a storke should be banished.1697W. Dampier Voy. I. 518, I therefore give this intimation, because it is the interest of the Nation..to be informed of abuses in their Factories.1816Scott Old Mort. Introd., As soon as his body was found, intimation was sent to his sons at Balmaclellan.1858Mrs. Carlyle Lett. II. 393 My acknowledgement of the intimation of her uncle's death.1861W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 471 Intimation is a step necessary in certain circumstances for the complete transference of a right.
b. Law. Notification of a requirement made by law, coupled with an announcement of the penalty that will be incurred in case of default. ? Obs.
1632High Commission Cases (Camden) 263 Elizabeth Holland a woman of ill reporte and her husband were called upon an intimation of 100 l.1752J. Louthian Form of Process (ed. 2) 59 Craving Precepts or Letters of Intimation, for intimating to his Majesty's Advocate..to fix a Day for his Trial, within sixty Days next after the Intimation, under the Pains and Certifications contained in the Statute.
2. The action of making known or expressing merely; an expression by sign or token, an indication; a suggestion, a hint.
1531Elyot Gov. i. xxi, The associatinge of man and woman in daunsing..was nat begonne without a speciall consideration, as well for the necessarye coniunction of those two persones, as for the intimation of sondry vertues.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. i. iii. §9 Where he doth give the least intimation of Manetho being elder then Alexander, I am yet to seek.1793Beddoes Calculus 23 He..felt from time to time some slight pains or intimations of pain.1807Wordsw. (title), Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) I. 432, I have often had intimations in dreams.




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